I have now commenced editing on Bone Walker, book 2 of the Free Court of Seattle! As of this writing I’m four chapters in, and plan to be chugging through the rest of the chapters as my vacation from the day job continues. I anticipate being done with this editing pass by next week.
Once that’s done I’ll be putting out a call for final proofreaders. Some of my Kickstarter backers have already seen the first draft copy; the second draft copy won’t be much different from that. I’m basically juggling edits from editor JoSelle as well as a proofreading pass from beta reader and backer Susan, and I’m getting constructive commentary from them both. But it’s line-edit level commentary and proofreading, and I will not be making structural changes to the novel at this point.
However, when I’m done, I WILL still need eyes on the final draft. I’ll need a proofreading pass as well as people who can sanity-check both the ebook and print release files. I’ll put out a call with more details when I’m ready for that stage.
Dara would also like to call to your all’s attention that the soundtrack IS at the mastering engineer, and that she’s got a post up about pre-orders over here–featuring the melding of the Faerie Blood and Bone Walker covers that she did for the CD disc art!
If you backed the Kickstarter at $25 or above, you’ll be getting a digital copy of the soundtrack. But if you want a physical copy, or if you weren’t in on the Kickstarter, you should pre-order! Dara’s offering a special freebie to one pre-orderer, too, so go over to her link to check that out. Encourage others to pre-order as well if you’re so inclined!
Back into the editing now, all! And watch this space for more Bone Walker updates!