Picked up in print at Norwescon:
- Beyond This Horizon, by Robert A. Heinlein. SF, of course. This was actually a freebie in the swag bag, but it’s a book acquisition, so it counts!
- Throne of the Crescent Moon, by Saladin Ahmed. Fantasy. Grabbed this one because I’ve been hearing good things about it for ages, and it turns out it’s one of these year’s Hugo nominees anyway, so hey!
- The Sail Weaver, by Muffy Morrigan. This is really kind of science fantasy, from the sound of it, rather than SF or F. This was being sold by the author in the dealer’s room at the con, and she sold me on it when she pitched it as “tall ships and dragons IN SPACE”.
- The Wicked Instead, by Vivien Weaver and and No Deadly Thing, by Tiger Gray. Urban fantasy. Again, being sold by the authors in the dealer’s room. Picked these up after I had a lovely conversation with both authors about their covers, and once I told them I was an author myself and mentioned Carina, they piped out with the name of my editor–Deb Nemeth! So after that awesome conversation, I pretty much HAD to buy both books.
Picked up electronically directly from the authors and/or publishers:
- 7th Son: Deceit and 7th Son: Destruction, by J.C. Hutchins. These are books 2 and 3 of his 7th Son trilogy, the first book of which had been traditionally published but didn’t sell well enough for his publisher to continue the trilogy. He’s self-pubbed the remaining two as ebooks. I quite enjoyed the first one so was very happy to scarf up the other two.
- The aforementioned The Wicked Instead and No Deadly Thing, also bought digitally because the trade paperback copies I bought are large and I’m reluctant to damage them by carrying them around on my commute. Also bought because woo, supporting Seattle-area SF/F authors!
Picked up from Kobo:
- Dawn, by Octavia Butler. Book 1 of her Xenogenesis trilogy. Picked up because I’d tried to start reading this before in print, but the omnibus edition I have is HUGE and not really friendly to being carried around on my commute. And they’ve finally been made available in ebook form!
- Poison, by Bridget Zinn. YA fantasy. Picked up pretty much because of reasons described here.
63 for the year.