Chapter 4 of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone brings us Harry’s first meeting with someone from the wizarding world–i.e., Hagrid! And we learn very quickly that Hagrid has no time whatsoever for Vernon Dursley’s shenanigans.
Bought in print from Barnes and Noble:
- Skin Game, by Jim Butcher. Already read this in ebook form, but I’m grabbing the paperback for my hardcopy for my library.
- Pocket Apocalypse, by Seanan McGuire. The latest installment of her Incryptid series!
Bought from Pottermore:
- Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen and Harry Potter à l’École des Sorciers–which are, of course, the German and French editions of Book 1 of the Harry Potter series! I’ll be using these to launch the Trilingual Harry Potter Reread very soon! I do rather like how you can grab the Harry Potter books in multiple languages from Pottermore, which will make it rather easier for me to conduct a multi-lingual reread of the series! They have several more languages besides French and German, too, though this’ll do me for now!
Ten for the year so far.
HOLY ILUVATAR, has it really been over a year since I originally drafted this post? Apparently! This is what happens when I’m so caught up in working on my own books, and then trying to finish up all the backlogged stuff that got shunted aside while I was writing the Rebels of Adalonia trilogy, that I wasn’t able to finish these Reread posts. But now with The Battle of the Five Armies having finally having come out and indeed now hitting digital home release, it’s about time I cleared my slate of the last of the Hobbit Reread posts!
It’s weird, after the longer chapters at the beginning of The Hobbit, to see how fast the final chapters go. Chapter 17 is not very long at all–and barely after the Battle of Five Armies has begun, you get into the aftermath, where Bilbo (and the reader through him) learns what he missed. And in which, finally, Thorin stands down from being an asshole.
I’m not going to get into comparing how this chapter ties into all the bits in the movie–because I talk about that in my movie review posts! But that said, there’s a lot here over which I must go *sniff*. This is the aftermath of the Battle of Five Armies, and it’s a hard aftermath for the survivors, with Bilbo front and center among them.
In-depth notes behind the fold!