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Contests, Vengeance of the Hunter

Who wants a copy of Vengeance of the Hunter?

RIGHT THEN! I have a book coming out! And I have piping hot fresh copies of an EPUB and PDF that I am willing to hand out to a lucky random winner. So here’s how this is going to work!

I will take entries into my random draw until 5pm Pacific time, this coming Friday! When I get home from my day job on Friday evening, I will announce a winner and that person will get their choice of an EPUB or PDF of Vengeance of the Hunter!

If you do any of the following things, you will get one (1) entry in the draw:

  • Drop a comment on this post (whether on or on its LJ or Dreamwidth mirrors; only one comment per entrant, please)
  • Reply to the post on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+
  • Like the post on Facebook or +1 it on Google+
  • Like the post on Tumblr

If you do any of the following things, you will get two (2) entries in the draw:

  • Retweet the post on Twitter
  • Reshare the post on Facebook or Google+ (I’ll be posting this to both my personal wall AND my author page, so you can reshare it from either location, but only one reshare per person please)
  • Reblog the post on Tumblr
  • Add Vengeance of the Hunter to your to-read shelf on Goodreads or the equivalent on LibraryThing or Shelfari
  • Original post on your own blog/journal, Facebook, Google+, or Tumblr, linking to this post
  • Original tweet on Twitter, linking to me

If you do any of the following things, you will get five (5) entries in the draw:

  • New review of Valor of the Healer on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Goodreads, or any other place where Carina Press ebooks are sold and/or available to be discussed–because Valor of the Healer should ideally be read before anyone reads Vengeance of the Hunter! If you post a review in multiple places, I WILL give you entries for each. Because reviews are love.

You do NOT have to buy Valor of the Healer in order to get in on this giveaway, though if you do because you haven’t read it yet and you want to prep for reading Vengeance, that sure wouldn’t suck. 😉 All the places where you can buy Valor of the Healer are linked up on its official page!

(ALSO: Vengeance is available for pre-order on a couple places so far–its pages are still deploying up to the various sites where it’ll be available. But if you are a Kindle user, it IS up on Amazon and you CAN pre-order it! Pertinent links are here!)

Ready? Set? GO!


Aether Age anthology and Hadley Rille 5K contest!

I just mentioned this on my personal blog, but it’s worth mentioning here: my fellow Outer Alliance member Brandon Bell is the editor of what promises to be a fun anthology, The Aether Age: Helios. You should go over and pre-order it, not only because it sounds fun, but also because its publisher, Hadley Rille Books, is having a contest to try to reach their goal of selling 5,000 books!

They’ll be giving away a Kindle 3G in January to a randomly selected entrant. You can sign up according to the instructions here, and you can get additional entries in the contest if you pre-order the aforementioned anthology or order anything else in their catalog. I just got emailed by one of their staff as well who says he’ll give me another entry for spreading the word, so I encourage interested parties to consider doing the same.

Because hey, books are shiny, and so are Kindles. Go to, folks! 🙂


Safe Upon the Shore of Faerie contest results!

Right then, sorry about not posting this yesterday, y’all, but this is what I get for being smacked upside the head with a 36-or-so-hour bug. I spent most of yesterday sleeping!

But now it’s time to announce the winner of my little Safe Upon the Shore of Faerie contest! Since I had only three entries, but since all three entrants offered more than just one of the options I suggested of title, caption, and drabble, I’m actually going to offer one main prize and two backup prizes!

GutterBall, because of the line about “I have feet” and the line about the Kraken, you get the main prize of your choice: a) a copy of the shiny shiny Safe Upon the Shore goodness, from the music vendor of your choice; b) a $25 gift certificate from the book vendor of your choice; or c) a copy of either Faerie Blood or Defiance, your choice! (You can have them both, if you like, even.) Please to email me your choice!

Jess and Sticckler: because you guys also jumped in, and because I liked your entries too, I want to give you each a little something as well so I will offer you both a $10 gift certificate from the Drollerie Press bookstore OR any other book vendor of your choice! Again, please email me your request.

Thanks all for entering!


Last call and upping the stakes for my contest!

Okay folks, we’re down to the wire here. Safe Upon the Shore drops on Tuesday! So I’ll be announcing the winner of my Safe Upon the Shore of Faerie contest on Tuesday evening.

And I STILL have only two entries! This is just silly, you guys, so I really need some more people in on this action. So I’m going to up the stakes! In addition to accepting entries as per my original rules, I’ll ALSO add anybody to the drawing if I see evidence that you’ve done one of the following:

  • Tweeted about it (including any RT’s of my own tweets)
  • Posted to Facebook
  • Posted to your own blogs and journals
  • Posted anywhere else you see fit

For bonus goodness, if any efforts of yours actually bring me a new entry to the contest, I’ll note you as entered in the random draw TWICE.

Additionally, I will add one $25 gift certificate to the book vendor of your choice if the original prizes (i.e., a copy of the album or a copy of either of my Drollerie-published works) don’t work for you. This makes the final prize list as follows:

  • Gift certificate
  • Tasty shiny new Great Big Sea musics (and I still heartily, heartily encourage you all to get a copy of this album even if you don’t get it from me; Kendis would TOTALLY be buying this album)
  • Words written by me, either in Faerie Blood or Defiance! And if you choose the latter, you also get tasty words by Laura Anne Gilman or Joely Sue Burkhart!

So spread the word, you all! Get me some new folks in here and new names for the draw! You have 48 hours!

Contests, Faerie Blood

Safe Upon the Shore of Faerie contest reminder!

Hey folks, I’ve gotten in a couple entries now on my Safe Upon the Shore of Faerie contest, but I’d really love to get more! Don’t forget, I’ll be taking entries until the release date of the new Great Big Sea album, which is July 13th!

Looking forward to seeing what other creative little snippets might show up on the post! And y’all should come over anyway and see what Jess and GutterBall have already submitted, ’cause they gave me some lovely little bits of prose, too!

Contests, Faerie Blood

The Safe Upon the Shore of Faerie contest!

Y’all know what banishes the sting of two rejection letters in one week? A CONTEST, that’s what!

If you’ve hung around my other blog or its LJ or Dreamwidth mirrors for more than five minutes, you’ll have figured out fast that I’m a raving fangirl for Great Big Sea, a high-energy Celtic/folk band out of Newfoundland. I love these guys with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns. I particularly love them right now, because on July 13th, they’re going to put out a brand new album.

And this is where you guys come in! When they announced the album’s release date, they also released a shot of the cover art. The very first thing that popped into my head when I saw it was “gosh, that looks like the cover of a novel, I wonder what the story of those two people is!” And I want all of you to tell me!

You can see the cover art right here, since the album’s available for preorder on Amazon. Go take a look. Then come back and give me one of the following:

  1. A hypothetical title for the novel this scene might come from
  2. A caption describing the scene
  3. A drabble-length description of the scene (that’s 100 words, for those of you not familiar with fanfic terminology)

Bonus points will be awarded for clever humor, use of any element of the Faerie Blood universe, or anything referenced in the titles or lyrics of Great Big Sea songs. Extra bonus points will be given for use of more than one of these!

The winner of the contest will receive either a copy of the album, a copy of Faerie Blood, or a copy of Defiance, their choice!

If the winner chooses the album, I will either buy them a copy directly off of, or else send a gift certificate to the vendor of their choice from which they may purchase it themselves. If the winner chooses a physical CD, I will require a snailmail address to which to send it.

If the winner chooses either of my books, I will provide an electronic copy of same in the format of their choice.

Here are the official rules and other important things you need to know:

  1. I will accept entries up until the album’s release date, July 13th.
  2. Please submit entries on the original post, NOT on the LJ or DW mirror posts. This is so I can track all the entries in one place!
  3. Please enter only once.
  4. I am the final judge for who gets to win!
  5. Please keep the entries worksafe.
  6. This contest is not in any way officially connected to, although I did contact them about it and received the blessing of their site admins. I am running this contest purely as an exercise of my fandom for the band, and will be buying the winner’s copy of the album at my own expense. 🙂
  7. If you’re already a GBS fan and you plan to buy a copy of the album anyway, don’t let this stop you from participating! Albums make excellent gifts.
  8. Ditto for if you already own either or both of my books!

(And oh yeah: if you haven’t heard GBS before, or if you want a taste of the new album to help you decide whether you want it, scamper up to and look for their streaming player. Three songs from the album are currently available there. The title track, “Safe Upon the Shore”, is my current favorite; it’s full of tasty, tasty harmony! Go check it out.)