Bought from Kobo:
- Brown Girl in the Ring, by Nalo Hopkinson. Future dystopian fantasy/urban fantasy. This was actually bought from my original Kobo account, but only because I had gotten a tiny amount of credit on that account and I wanted to spend it. Which means this book won’t sync to my main Kobo library but OH WELL that’s okay. I have ways of getting around that. And I wanted this book because I’d been meaning to read it for ages, and because I really like the title.
- Three Parts Dead, by Max Gladstone. Fantasy. I saw this series getting some buzz on, and the third book’s just dropped, so the first book as of this writing is available for $2.99.
- Artemis Awakening, by Jane Lindskold. SF. Another one I saw getting plugged on, and since I’ve read and liked Lindskold before, I thought I’d given this one a try too.
- The Goblin Emperor, by Katherine Addison. Lots of great buzz about this one all over the place. But really, you had me at “elves with airships”.
- Circle of Shadows, by Imogen Robertson. Mystery. Book 4 in her lovely Crowther-Westerman series, which I’m quite looking forward to reading!
From Barnes & Noble:
- Revenant, by Kat Richardson (pre-order). Urban fantasy. This is, I believe, the final entry in the Greywalker series. I’ve got to get caught up!
- Skin Game, by Jim Butcher. Bought for obvious Because Dresden Files DUH reasons. Got to get caught up on these, too.
- Sparrow Hill Road, by Seanan McGuire. Actually bought this twice, because Dara wanted it in print, and I picked up the ebook. But since the trade paperback was for Dara, it’ll count only once on my tally here!
71 for the year.