Right then, yet another book round-uppie thingie:
- Demon Hunts, by
(C.E. Murphy), in both print AND ebook because Kit is just that awesome. Since this was two separate purchases, I will in fact be counting this book twice for tally purposes! Urban fantasy, book 5 of the Walker Papers.mizkit
- The Enchantment Emporium, by
(Tanya Huff), now that it’s been released in paperback. I’m considering if I also want to buy it in ebook form since Huff is another author who warrants it for me, but as of this writing the ebook version is still showing up as $11.99 on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Whoever answers the @dawbooks account on Twitter says this was an error, so presumably that price will drop soon. Until then, I have the paperback anyway! Fantasy.andpuff
- Dead of Light, by
(Chaz Brenchley), in ebook form from here. This is one of his older novels, and by his own description, it was urban fantasy before there was really a term for it. Picked up because in general, his writing is awesome.desperance
- The Necromancer’s Bones, by my fellow Telgar Weyr alum Deby Fredericks, the sequel to her first book, The Magister’s Mask. Fantasy. Watch this space for a marathon as I finally actually read The Magister’s Mask as well as this one!
- Too Many Princes, also by Deby Fredericks. Fantasy.
153 purchases thus far for the year.
Fictionwise is still trying very hard to remind me that it’s having that anniversary sale, and that this is the last weekend for it. I may or may not go ahead and get yuki_onna
I have a whole lot of interesting samples that I’ve yoinked off of B&N’s site, too, which may or may not become actual purchases in the near future. These include in no particular order: The Manual of Detection by Jedediah Berry, Darkborn by Alison Sinclair, Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorafor (which is getting quite a bit of attention on Twitter), Magic Lost, Trouble Found by Lisa Shearin, Moonshine by Alaya Johnson, The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters, Song of Scarabaeus by Sara Creasy, Stolen Fury by Elisabeth Naughton, Declare by Tim Powers (previously recommended), Territory by Emma Bull (also previously recommended), and last but not least, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
*whew* Can y’all tell I’m loving me that “grab a sample” feature of the Nook? Though it must be said that it’s also supremely dangerous, how easy it is to just go ahead and buy the book after you’ve read the sample. The effort I expend to not do so if I’m not suitably close to a paycheck is TITANIC, I tell you.