Folks, I’m seeing a distinct lack of reaction so far to my proposed drawing for a $20 gift certificate! So in order to give y’all more time to maybe get a hold of a Drollerie book and get it properly reviewed, I am hereby extending the contest to the end of this month. That’ll mean you have until October 31st to read and review any Drollerie book–it doesn’t have to be mine!–and get me evidence of your review to get into the drawing.
Spread the word! And don’t forget, all our ebooks are on sale right now over at, so you can pick up a lot of ebooks cheap!
And oh yes, since I was asked this on my original contest post: I’ll accept previously posted reviews, I think, if you show me evidence of newly pointing people at said reviews. (Such as on your blog/journal, a forum post, something on Twitter or Facebook, etc.) My goal here is to encourage spreading the word about Drollerie, and previously written reviews, while fabulous, are already out there working to spread the word. I’d like to see new word being spread! And, of course, if you’ve already written reviews of Drollerie work, don’t let this stop you from writing brand new ones of different books. 😉