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Valor of the Healer

Winner of Flash Giveaway #1 for Valor of the Healer: Angela R!

Angela R., my good friend and fellow Great Big Sea fangirl, is the first winner of this week’s Flash Giveaways for Valor of the Healer! Angela will be duly contacted about same!

Everybody else: stand by for Flash Giveaway #2, which will be going up at NOON Pacific time! Now would be a good time to get those tweets, Facebook posts, carrier pigeon notes, you name it, getting out there so you can tell me about them when the next giveaway goes up!

Also, if you get in on one of these and you are NOT drawn, yes, your previous entry may carry over into the next round. I will be keeping track. However, if you happen to tweet/Facebook post/blog/carrier pigeon more than once, yes, that will count as a new entry!

Again, NOON Pacific time! Stand by for the post to go up!

Valor of the Healer

Polls are now OPEN! What should I name my mammoth?

Editing to add, 8/3/15: Goodness, a lot of you are still hitting this post. Hi, all of you folks who are hitting this post! Here’s a more recent post you might want to read too.

As you all know, O Internets, I had massive huge fun going to see Le Vent du Nord in Victoria! But almost as awesome was the acquisition of a toy mammoth, who proved to be my and Dara’s constant companion through the whole weekend. The mammoth’s adventures are documented right over here in a publicly viewable album on Facebook!

All the Cool Mammoths Wear Hats

All the Cool Mammoths Wear Hats

But of course the mammoth needs a name. And a great number of creative suggestions were lobbed my way!

My belovedest of Daras pointed out quite correctly that I should not force binary gender expectations onto my mammoth and that the mammoth may in fact be genderqueer. Therefore I quite happily accepted names that would be associated with any gender. And now it’s time to pick one! Do not let the obvious masculinity or feminity of any given name distract you from whether it is in fact appropriate for the mammoth. Genderqueer Mammoth is legion and contains multitudes!

I particularly liked the general theme of “hugely complicated and/or dignified names” as well as a strong contention that Genderqueer Mammoth may also in fact be Quebecois. And two different people came up with ‘Mamut’, with or without an associated first name, and which I am given to understand means ‘playboy’. Given that Genderqueer Mammoth got snogged on the way out of the Le Vent concert, the individuals who proposed those options may be onto something. >:D

Choose up to three on the list, or propose one of your own in the comments! And if you’re seeing this post on LJ or Dreamwidth, please click over to the link since the poll doesn’t carry over to the mirror sites.

I will give a copy of Valor of the Healer to a randomly selected commenter who makes a case for their choice in the comments–so to have a shot at the book, you must not only vote, you must also campaign for your choice as well! You have until Valor‘s release day, one week from tonight, to jump in on the poll!

ETA 4-13-2013: AND! Just to make things a little bit more lively, Internets, I will ALSO offer a copy of Valor of the Healer to whoever has the winning choice on the poll! Consider this incentive to campaign for your selection! Vote! Vote like the wind! And get your friends to vote too! 😉

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Valor of the Healer

Flash giveaway for Valor of the Healer!

In honor of YIKES I Have a Book Coming Out in a Week, and since my last giveaway attempt didn’t actually go anywhere, let’s make this simple and hopefully exciting, shall we?

Another copy of Valor of the Healer will be given away TOMORROW MORNING by 9am Pacific time! If you’d like to be in the random pool of potential recipients, you must do one of these things, all of which will get you one entry in the pool!

  • Drop a comment on this post (for usual values of ‘this post’ meaning on WordPress, LJ, or Dreamwidth, all three places count)
  • Comment to me on Facebook
  • Tweet to me
  • Comment to me on Google+

If you do any of THESE, you will get TWO entries!

  • Post about the book coming out on your own blog or journal and send me a link
  • Post to any social network and cc me in a comment or tweet, or otherwise send me a screenshot
  • Add the book to your Goodreads reading list

If you review the book anywhere, on Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, or anywhere else, and provide me evidence of same, you will be given FIVE entries.

As always, you may have a choice of EPUB or PDF, and when I draw the random winner, you will need to be prepared to give me an email address to which I can send notice of how to get the book! You may also enter on behalf of another recipient if you have a copy already but would like to give it to someone as a gift.

Ready? Set? GO!

About Me, Valor of the Healer

The challenge before you: name this mammoth!

I will be doing a full weekend report when I get back to an actual keyboard, but for the time being I must report that Dara and I did in fact make it to the Royal BC museum in downtown Victoria. We did not do it nearly enough justice, considering how little time we spent there. But we were killing time waiting for our hotel room to be ready, and we bailed quickly in search of naps.

I did, however, accomplish the mission of seeing their woolly mammoth in the natural history exhibit. And the corollary mission of acquiring a mammoth of my very own! The question at hand: what is this mammoth’s NAME?

I have already received several excellent nominations on Facebook, but am extending the call here. There is some debate about whether I have a boy or a girl mammoth, and whether or not the mammoth is Quebecois and should therefore have a French name. Present to me your theories, and show your work! The best nominations will be going into a poll to do my next giveaway for Valor of the Healer!

Name This Mammoth!

Name This Mammoth!

Valor of the Healer

Valor of the Healer giveaway #3: Trivia Hunt!

It’s now time for Valor of the Healer‘s third giveaway, you all, and this time I’m going to do something a little bit more entertaining–which will hopefully be of particular interest to those of you who RPed with me back in the day on AetherMUSH! (And, it MUST be noted, I have listed Faanshi’s AetherMUSH origins right in the book’s acknowledgements AND have given all hail and praise to Astra Poyser Laughlin who created the game. Because THANK YOU ASTRA! <3 ) Namely, I'm going to pay a bit of homage to Faanshi's origins by asking participants to answer the following trivia questions about her AetherMUSH incarnation. All answers may be found in my archive of Faanshi roleplay logs from AetherMUSH!

Here are the questions:

  1. Who was the halfbreed character who freed Faanshi from her original slavery?
  2. What was the name of the race Faanshi served?
  3. Who were the rulers of the race Faanshi served?
  4. In which roleplay log did Faanshi and Julian both appear? (I’ll be looking for log title AND date, here.)
  5. Name, in chronological order, Faanshi’s love interests. (I will accept two possible answers.)
  6. What was the name of Faanshi’s dog?
  7. A particular gladiator character was a recurring guest in several of Faanshi’s RP scenes. What was that character’s name, and how many logs did he appear in?
  8. Name at least two of the Warlord characters who were of importance in Faanshi’s history.
  9. Name the Atlantean character who had a scene with Faanshi, but with whom I primarily roleplayed as my other character, the princess Kaiulani.
  10. Name at least one of the Sylvan tribes visited by Faanshi in the course of her roleplay history.

Since I’m asking you all to do some work here, I’m raising the stakes on the rewards! I will hand out five, count ’em, five copies of Valor of the Healer to participants who get the highest number of answers correct by the deadline of midnight, Pacific time, Sunday March 24th!

Additionally, to the person who gets the highest number of answers, I’ll hand out a $25 gift certificate to the bookstore or online ebook vendor of your choice. In the event of a tie, the winner of the gift certificate will be randomly selected!

Answers must be posted in comments to me on this post (for values of ‘this post’ meaning ‘the original WordPress post’ OR the Livejournal or Dreamwidth mirrors)!

Ready? Set? GO!

Valor of the Healer

Winners of the Valor of the Healer giveaway #2!

And now, ladies and gentlemen of the Internets, I am pleased to announce that the following persons have won a copy of Valor of the Healer!

Shawna T, who commented to me on my main blog
Eveshka, who commented to me on Livejournal

Winners, please contact me ASAP with your preferred format! Your options are EPUB and PDF, and remember, since it’s a DRM-free file, you can convert the EPUB to any other format you may need if you have Calibre.

Thank you all for playing and I will be doing at least a couple more giveaways before the book’s released! Stand by for the roundup post on all the various awesome answers I got about people’s favorite musician characters!

Valor of the Healer

Last call for Valor of the Healer giveaway #2!

Hey you guys, the second giveaway for Valor of the Healer is still in progress!

Tomorrow I will hand out two free copies to randomly selected winners. EPUB and PDF are available! All you have to do is comment to me telling me about your favorite musician characters in books, movies, or TV–and all genres are welcome!

Comments are welcome on this post or on the original giveaway post.

You may also comment on the Livejournal mirror of the original post or the Dreamwidth mirror!

You may tweet to @annathepiper, or comment to Angela Korra’ti on Facebook OR Google+!

You have until midnight Pacific time tonight! Looking forward to your replies, and I will do a roundup post of all the musicians who get mentioned to me as well! So give me your best suggestions folks, and good luck to all who reply!