Bone Walker, Faerie Blood, Victory of the Hawk

Norwescon is IMMINENT so here, have some Smashwords coupons

Dara and I will be heading to Norwescon tomorrow! Yay!

Y’all will be able to find me at the NIWA table in the dealers’ room, where I and several other members of the group will be joining forces to sell our books. I’ll have print copies of both Faerie Blood AND Bone Walker, so if you’re local and you don’t have the books yet and you want ’em, this will be an excellent time to get copies!

I will also be selling copies of the Free Court of Seattle Soundtrack CD on Dara’s behalf, so if you really want to make a fell swoop of it, you’ll be able to get both books and the CD all at the same time!

ALSO: for the digitally inclined, I have activated two 20 percent off coupons you can use to buy both books from Smashwords in DRM-free format!

The coupon code for Faerie Blood is ZS73N, and you can spend it here.

Likewise, the coupon code for Bone Walker is TA27R, and you can spend it here.

These coupon codes will expire on Monday the 6th, so use ’em now while the using is good! And if you’ve got the books already, please share the word of these coupons far and wide. Thank you!


Speaking of Bone Walker: Dara has now provided me with the official PDF copy of the book. If you prefer to read your ebooks in PDF format, I will be happy to hand-sell this version of the book to you. Directly from me is currently the only way to get this format, so if you’d like a PDF copy (and you’re not one of the Kickstarter backers who already got one), talk to me! And see the Buying From Me page for details on how to pay me for it.


MEANWHILE: friendly reminder that Victory of the Hawk is REALLY FREGGIN’ NIGH. Monday the 6th is ALSO important because that’s Victory‘s release date!

AND: you can now preorder the book directly from Carina Press right over here. I do get slightly more royalties for books purchased directly from Carina. BUT, don’t let that stop you from buying from the vendor of your choice, either–basically, I want you to buy the book, so do please buy it in whatever way is easiest for you! 😉

All preorder links I’m currently aware of are on the official Victory of the Hawk page!


One more thing: in case you missed it, the Here Be Magic author group I’m in has been posting our snippets of flash fiction based on submitted words from readers! You can find mine, a brand new Warder universe scene, right over here. Clickie to see what words I got for the March Melange, and how I used them.

And go check the blog for other fun scenes as well!

This ends my Wednesday book promotional post. 🙂

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