Ladies and gentlemen, mesdames et messieurs, I have as of this morning received in my very own inbox the production EPUB copy of Valor of the Healer, to go along with the shiny PDF I have also received! Y’all know what this means?
It means it’s time for me to do my very first Valor of the Healer giveaway! Let’s put the first dent in my authorized number of author copies, shall we?
The rules, such as they are:
If you want in on being considered, all you have to do is drop a comment on this post (or on the LJ or Dreamwidth mirrors, those count too). You may also tweet at me, comment at me on Facebook when this post shows up there, or likewise on Google+. All comments or tweets I receive will count as throwing your name in the hat. But I will only count you once!
These copies are digital, so your options are EPUB or PDF! But since the EPUB IS DRM-free, if you’re Calibre-enabled, you can convert it to whatever format you like.
You must get me your comment on the site of your choice by end of day THIS FRIDAY, February 22nd! And by end of day, I mean, “local to me”, so let’s call that midnight Pacific time.
No other action is required on your part–though if the random number generator is in your favor, I sure would appreciate a preliminary review! 😉
On Saturday morning, I will choose two, count ’em, two people by random number generator. Those selected should let me know what format they’d prefer, and provide me with a means to privately contact them with how to get the file. (Email address or otherwise ability to DM/PM you on a social network.)
Ready? Set? GO!