C.G. Bauer, who wrote the excellent little horror novel Scars on the Face of God, has reissued his book as a self-pubbed ebook to Amazon and Smashwords. I’ve actually read this one, and can attest it was quite good; my old review post for it is here.
Meanwhile, Rachael Olivier has reissued her book The Holly and the Ivan as a self-pubbed paperback via Lulu.com. You can find that over here.
I’m hearing rumblings from a few other of my fellow former Drollerie authors that they’ll be reissuing their works in self-pubbed form, too; in particular, keep an eye out for Joely Sue Burkhart’s Shanhasson trilogy. If you liked Faerie Blood or Defiance, do consider finding and supporting these other works! I will keep posting links as I find them.