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great big sea

Great Big Sea

PSA: Great Big Sea @ the Moore in March on presale TOMORROW!

This just in: tickets go on sale on for the show at the Moore on March 12th of next year, TOMORROW at 10am!

The show will be on a delicious, delicious SATURDAY, so Seattle peeps, if you think you want in on the goodness and you aren’t already a member of the site–i.e., if you need me to get your tickets–let me know ASAP so that I know how many tickets to get!


Fictionwise ain’t quite dead to me yet

It seems Fictionwise is still capable of grabbing my attention, even if a lot of their inventory vanished once the agency model of ebook pricing took effect this past April. This weekend, though, they’re having a big ol’ 50 percent off sale, in effect through Sunday. (Use the coupon ‘spooky2010′.)

Turns out several of the titles on my ebook wishlist were still in their database, so I’ve nabbed ’em. To wit:

  • A Far and Deadly Cry, by Teri Holbrook. Mystery, re-buy to replace previously owned print copy.
  • Recursion, by Tony Ballantyne
  • Measuring the World, by Daniel Kehlmann. General fiction, was recommended by userinfojanne.
  • Blue Moon, by Cindy Lynn Speer. Ebook re-buy of a print copy I already own, since the print copy is large and unwieldy and I can read the ebook better.
  • Morevi: The Chronicles of Rafe and Askana, by Tee Morris & Lisa Lee. Another ebook re-buy of a print copy I still own, again because large and unwieldy print book I don’t want to carry around.
  • Blood Engines, by T.A. Pratt. Actual purchase of a free PDF I’d gotten before from when came online; decided to go ahead and buy this copy since the PDF is 5 MB in size.
  • Mob Rules, by Cameron Haley. Urban fantasy, a recent release from Luna.
  • The Mysteries, by Lisa Tuttle. Fantasy. Picked it up due to a review by Jo Walton on
  • Spellbent, by Lucy A. Snyder. Urban fantasy. Picked up because of her participation in the CoyoteCon panels run by Drollerie Press earlier this year!
  • Total Oblivion, More or Less: A Novel, by Alan DeNiro. This one got a good amount of buzz a while back so I’m finally checking it out.
  • The Tomb of Zeus, by Barbara Cleverly. Re-buy of a book I’d previously owned. Mystery.
  • Deadly Slipper, by Michelle Wan. Mystery.
  • Black and White, by Jackie Kessler and Caitlin Kittredge. Because SUPERHEROES, and because I’ve been meaning to read this one for a while now!

And meanwhile, because it was Absolutely Necessary, I picked up userinfojimbutcher‘s shiny new Dresden Files anthology, Side Jobs, from Barnes and Noble! I bought it in both ebook and hardback, actually–ebook for me, and hardback to give as a present to userinfokathrynt, who will need it to occupy herself before her baby boy makes his arrival in the world Any Day Now, and hopefully as she’s resting after as well. So I get to count that one twice! 😀

And OH OH OH I must also add this, since it showed up in my mailbox today: Writing Out the Notes, the new book by Bob Hallett, is another acquisition! That would be the Bob Hallett of my very own beloved Great Big Sea, who’s written himself a combination memoir and musical portrait of St. John’s. I’m quite looking forward to reading it, as Mr. Hallett’s always been the most thoughtful and introspective of the B’ys, based on what they’ve all posted in their various posts on their site.

Grand total for the year: 334!

Great Big Sea

Well, bugger

The finalists for the Great Big Sea Karaoke Contest were announced this morning and I fear that our video was NOT included on the list! Sniff.

Many thanks to all of you who took a look and offered words of encouragement, they are much appreciated! I would like to endorse, in our stead, the “Hit the Ground and Run” video by the Singing Roberts–since they had an awesome acting out, complete with costumes and a mini-script, of that particular song. You can vote on the video of your choice here.

I shall now also accept kittens, cookies, and other forms of consolation, if any happen to be around. *^_^*;;

Great Big Sea

Longest. Weekend. EVER.

I’ve been whinging about this on Twitter and Facebook all day, and now that I’m home, it’s the blog and Livejournal and Dreamwidth’s turn!

My beloved B’ys have NOT yet announced the finalists for their karaoke video contest. And given that they’re playing in Toronto tonight, and that they ALSO have shows tomorrow and Sunday evening in different places, chances are high that we won’t hear a peep out of them until Monday.

OKP admin Aaron posted this morning with the news, which drove home for all of us waiting the following critical bits of information:

  1. The band has been very busy, so they’ve been delayed in choosing finalists,
  2. The voting period would be extended to make up for the delay, and
  3. Yes, the band members are in fact choosing the finalists.

Y’all know what this means, of course.

It means Alan Doyle, Séan McCann, Bob Hallett, Kris MacFarlane, or Murray Foster, and possibly some or all of the above, have heard me sing.

And I do not yet know if they’ll be picking my group’s video for the finals! AUGH! AUGH! AUGH!

About Me

What I’ve been doing lately instead of writing

Anybody who knows me at all knows I am a raving fan of Great Big Sea, the folk band from Canada. And anybody who pays attention to GBS’ various official online presences will know that they have a karaoke video contest in progress for their fans!

Last night, my partner userinfosolarbird and I uploaded our entry for the contest–and its related blooper reel! I have a full post about it on my personal blog over here. And if you want to see the videos directly, you can check ’em out here on my YouTube account!

If you read and liked Faerie Blood, please consider checking out the videos! Great Big Sea was a huge influence on the development of that book, and Christopher in particular. And stick around–’cause if we get onto the finalists list, determined by judges, then it’ll be up to popular vote to see who wins. And I’ll be calling on you all for help!

Did I mention the part where the prize for the contest is four spots on the band’s guest list to one of their forthcoming shows? Consider that mentioned! And always, folks, I thank you for your support! 😀

(Not crossposted anywhere, because if you follow me elsewhere, you’ll have seen me squeeing about this already! And once the contest is over, I swear I’ll get back to working on Bone Walker!)

Great Big Sea

Ladies and gentlemen, our GBS contest entry is LIVE

On behalf of my jamming group, I now present to you “Nothing But a Song”, as performed by Twelve Good Measures, featuring Crime and the Forces of Evil!

Now comes the waiting for the entry round to close–and after that, the selection of finalists! Keep your fingers crossed that our vid will make the cut, people! ‘Cause if it does, I will be shamelessly, and I DO MEAN SHAMELESSLY, campaigning for your support. I mentioned the part where the grand prize of this shindig is four spots on the band’s guest list at a show of the winner’s choice, right?

Remember, folks, a vote for Twelve Good Measures is a vote for my head exploding RIGHT OFF MY SHOULDERS with squee. Because proximity to Alan Doyle will do that. I have experienced it before and lived to tell the tale!

And oh yes, we’ve got more. Oh my yes. Here, have lulz to go with your contest video!

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Great Big Sea

Video shooting is COMPLETE!

I’d call this a Special Edition Jam Report, except we didn’t actually Jam. Still, though, we had a good number of the Murkjammers present today for the conclusion of our video shooting for our submission to the Great Big Sea Karaoke Contest! In addition to userinfosolarbird and myself, we had userinfomamishka, userinfosutures1, and userinfotechnoshaman, with surprise bonus userinfotereshkova2001 as Jareth the Goblin King!

Dara has been a GODDESS for this effort, people. I had a few initial ideas for the script, sure, but the visual and sound and general arrangement of shots, not to mention the technical work of actually shooting said shots with her digital camera? That’s ALL been on her. Really, my contribution to this whole shebang has pretty much ‘sing lead and yoink video snippets into iMovie’.

Many thanks must also be given to Meems for primary wardrobe contribution, in order to build a shot which will remain unidentified until the video goes live. But trust me, you’ll know the shot when you see it. ;> Ellen and Glenn also contributed a few wardrobe bits, as did userinfosksouth. Separate kudos to Glenn for shooting assistance both yesterday and today, and Ellen and Meems and Glenn all together for prop and script wrangling!

userinfospazzkat has also come through marvelously, both with initially pointing me at iMovie as the tool to use to pull all this together, AND with building us credits in Flash that I can plug in at the tail end of the video.

And finally, thanks to Torrey for going to the trouble to costume up very nicely for what will be a pretty short shot, in the eventual shipping product.

Now comes the editing like mad in iMovie! We’ll get this done as fast as we can, y’all, and we look very much forward to showing you the final video!