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Short Pieces

Nanowrimo, Short Pieces, Walk the Wards

Nanowrimo 2017: Let’s try this again shall we?

Last year the election shot my Nanowrimo run into a thousand pieces, and my ability to write anything this entire year hasn’t done too well either.

But I do know this: when I did Camp Nanowrimo in July, that did let me make some progress on the long-overdue novellas. So I’ll be taking a crack at Nanowrimo this year, in the hopes of FINALLY finishing those things off.

What’s in the book

As of this writing, the Warder universe novella collection Walk the Wards stands at 38,507 words. And as a reminder, this collection will contain the following stories:

“A Power in the Blood”: In which a psychic must help the new Warder of Providence, Rhode Island solve the murder of his sister.

“The Deepest Breath of Song”: In which a shy young musician must help his town’s Warder protect migrating sea creatures from being hunted and killed.

“The Plight of the Warder’s Daughter”: Caitlin Hallett, daughter of the Warder of St. John’s, wants to see the world before she commits to a city. But her father Thomas is ill and his ability to guard St. John’s may already be failing. How will Caitlin choose between her ambition and her love for her city and her father? And how will a visiting son of the Warders of Quebec–les Gardiens–help her decide?

As of yet untitled: The tale of what happens to Jude Lawrence when she goes to Faerie to try to find her missing friend Kendis Thompson. This story is set during Bone Walker, Book 2 of The Free Court of Seattle.

“Diminuendo”: Kendis Thompson discovers that magic can’t help when her cat Fortissimo is suddenly, violently ill.

If I can do a decent Nanowrimo run this month, that should move me a lot closer to getting this book ready to go. We’ll see what happens. Wish me luck, folks! And if you’re diving into the Nanowrimo fun as well, hey, feel free to buddy up with me on the Nano site. As with many places, I’m ‘annathepiper’ there.

Let this be the hour when we write words together. Fell prose awakes. Now for plots, now for pacing, and the red dawn of OH GOD I CAN’T GO TO BED YET I HAVEN’T HIT MY WORD COUNT. Forth Eorlingas!



Short Pieces

Adding a fifth story to Walk the Wards

Point of interest: I have decided to add a fifth story to the Walk the Wards book, a Kendis short I’d been playing with as a concept back before I wrote Bone Walker… and which I think now does deserve a place in this book.

Part of the reason for this is to just add a bit more length to it, to make it comparable to my other releases in word count. But part of it is also that with both a Jude story and a Kendis story in this thing, I can more legitimately call it book 2.5 of the Free Court series.

This Kendis short will be called “Diminuendo”, and is likely to be novelette-length, or maybe short story, don’t know yet, still working on it. As to what this story is about–it’ll be set between Bone Walker and Warder Soul, and will be the story of why Kendis is going to have a change of cats between those two books. More than that I will not say, because spoilers.

Relatedly, I can also report that all the other pieces in this book do in fact now have their own titles. Most of them I mentioned in this post, and to those I will add that Jude’s story is now called The Light Beyond the Gate.

Let it also be noted that Elizabeth’s, Oscar’s, and of course Caitlin’s stories are all also set in present day. Caitlin’s story is set very shortly after Faerie Blood, just long enough after that book that Christopher’s family in St. John’s have gotten the word as to what happened to him.

Let it be further noted that I’ll be reaching out to the same artist who’s done the cover for Warder Soul to do the cover for this release, too–as soon as I decide what I actually want on the cover. 😉

As of last night I’ve topped 34,000 total words written on this collection, and I’ve written about 6,000 words so far on this month’s Camp Nanowrimo effort. I continue to be hopeful about making decent progress this month!

More bulletins as events warrant!

Short Pieces

Still have not forgotten my novellas, I promise

I am chagrined that I may be one of the longest-running people ever to try to finish up Kickstarter rewards owed, but I promise, folks, I’m still working on those novellas. Or, rather, working on them again, given how challenging it’s been to pull any words out of my brain at all this year.

It has however become clear to me that before I can legitimately work on Warder Soul, book 3 of The Free Court of Seattle, I really need to finish the novellas first–in no small part because one of those stories introduces Caitlin and Gabien, who will be important supporting characters in Warder Soul. And I need those characters clearly settled in my mind before they join Team Kendis.

So I’m trying to buckle down and get these novellas done and dealt with. I’d actually started trying to do this last month, instituting my usual strategy of “by god I need to get at least some words into Scrivener” when the words won’t come: setting a stupidly low goal. That’s helped.

But more effort is needed–and so this month I’m participating in Camp Nanowrimo.

This is run by the same folks who do the main Nanowrimo event every November, but it’s a bit more relaxed and groovy in that you can set whatever writing goal you want. So if 50,000 words is too daunting, you can go lower.

I’ve set my goal to be getting 25,000 more words into the novellas. And so far at least I can report that the stories as a collective whole have now topped 30,000 words.

A Power in the Blood is finished–that’s the story about my psychic chick of size who helps a Warder find out who killed his sister. So this effort will be focused on:

The Deepest Breath of Song: A painfully shy young man in a tiny coast town learns there are strange creatures indeed in the nearby ocean–and the town’s Warder needs his help to protect them.

The Plight of the Warder’s Daughter: Caitlin Hallett, daughter of the Warder of St. John’s, wants her chance to see the world before she must commit her powers to protecting a city. But her father Thomas is ill, and there’s no one else in the family powerful enough to take over from him, so he won’t let Caitlin go. When another young member of the Warder lineage comes to St. John’s, Caitlin must choose between seizing the same chance Gabien Desroches has taken–and her love for her city and her father.

As of yet untitled: The story of what happened to Jude when she went to Faerie with Melisanda ana’Sharran, during the events of Bone Walker!

Note also that one of the biggest backers of the 2012 Kickstarter WILL be having an important character named after her in these stories, and a second side character is named after another backer who won the “kill off a character named after a backer!” draw!

So more on this work as events warrant, y’all. And if any of my fellow writers out there are doing the Camp Nanowrimo thing, let me know, hey?

Bone Walker, Faerie Blood, Short Pieces

Hey Smashwords users: coupons for you, all of July!

I’m participating in the site-wite promotion Smashwords is running for the entire month of July, which means that if you’re a user of that site, you can get some of my titles via the coupons they’re running!

With the use of the coupon SSW50, you can get both Faerie Blood and Bone Walker for 50 percent off! Here are the direct links for those two books on Smashwords:

Faerie Blood

Bone Walker

And with the use of the coupon SSW100, you can get my short stories “The Blood of the Land” and “The Disenchanting of Princess Cerridwen” for free! Here are those direct links:

The Blood of the Land

The Disenchanting of Princess Cerridwen

These coupons will be valid until the end of this month, July 31st, and the promotion applies only on Smashwords itself. It does not extend out to the retailers I deploy to through their system.

If you’re a Smashwords user, the coupon codes I mention above are indeed valid site-wide for a great number of titles. There are also codes active for 25 percent off and 75 percent off, for participating titles. You can browse the list of participating titles right over here.

Please spread the word, and if you choose to check out my titles on Smashwords, I hope you enjoy the read!

Short Pieces

Here, have an excerpt about Caitlin and Gabien

As I’ve been lamenting a bit on social media lately, this year has, creatively speaking, blown so many donkeys that I’m pretty sure there isn’t a single unsatisfied donkey between here and Spokane.

But Dara having been working so hard on her Overwatch fic as of late (a fic which, by the way, you should read, because it’s totally awesome and you can find it here) has been a prod to my own ability to write, I think. So I’ve been lately instituting my strategy of “ridiculously stupidly low daily word counts”, just for the sake of being able to say I’ve written something.

I’ve also returned to dealing with my still-due novellas for the Warder universe, in no small part because I’ve realized that I really need to write Caitlin Hallett and Gabien Desroches’ meeting before I can really have them appear properly in Warder Soul.

So I’m back in dealing with their story. And hey, here’s an excerpt! Caitlin’s coming out of a very spiky conversation with her father Thomas, a conversation which has not gone well. Caitlin’s looking to console herself by busking on George Street.

Except she’s got a surprise waiting for her. Muahaha.

Excerpt behind the fold!

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Short Pieces

Working titles for pending Warder universe novellas finally!

As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, my writing’s rather stalled out hard after the release of Victory of the Hawk earlier this year. I’ve released a couple of short stories for sale this past summer and fall, but that’s about it. I’ve been struggling to try to find the mental energy to keep going on other projects, and that’s been challenging–partly out of weariness with juggling the Kickstarter obligations with my obligations for Carina, and partly out of the simple fact that I do have a technically challenging day job, and it’s often difficult for me to muster enough mental oomph to pull words out of my brain when I get home from work in the evenings.

But I’ve gotten really tired of that state of affairs, and I think I’ve managed to replenish enough creative stamina to get back to work. SO!

I am very pleased to announce that I finally have some working titles for the three Warder universe novellas that are the final obligations I need to clear off my plate for the 2012 Kickstarter. To refresh everyone’s memories, these novellas are:

  1. What I was previously referring to as my “psychic chick of size” story, in which Elizabeth Breckenridge, a psychic in Providence, Rhode Island, must assist her client Ross Taggart in tracking down what or who murdered his sister Edith, the Warder of the city. This story now has the official working title “A Power in the Blood”. Bonus for those of you who have read Faerie Blood and Bone Walker: Luciriel, Queen of the Unseelie Court, will be making a guest appearance in this story. It’s actively back in being worked on again, thanks to Scrivener!
  2. A story featuring a tuba player who is recruited by the local Warder–a woman who also happens to play in the same community orchestra–to help her guide a migration of supernatural sea creatures when she discovers they’re being hunted. Possible working title for this story: “A Last Sweet Breath of Song”.
  3. And last but most definitely not least, an origin story for Millicent Merriweather, the Warder First of Seattle in Faerie Blood and Bone Walker, and how she first came to Seattle and became its new Warder. The possible working title for this is still kicking around in my head, but it’s likely to involve “Bone” somehow. (I realize this is repetitive given the title of Bone Walker, but there’s also a theme of “blood, breath, and bone” that I’m playing with here. I do however reserve the right to change my mind once I make it around to finishing this story up!)

I don’t have a target release date for these stories yet. I am however going to target finishing “A Power in the Blood”‘s first draft by the end of November, as a sort of unofficial Nanowrimo. December, the plan will be to hand that off to whoever would like to beta read it for me, while I shift over to writing story #2. Then I’ll need to finish writing Millicent’s story.

There is ALSO a potential fourth novella brewing in my head, one which will feature Christopher’s cousin Caitlin Hallett, and her imminent conflict about whether she’s going to take up her father’s mantle and be the next Warder of St. John’s–because she’s about to fall head over heels for Gabien Desroches of les Gardiens of Quebec. And when two young people of the Warder lineage fall in love, somebody is going to have to leave their home. In the meantime? They’ll have to save St. John’s, too.

I am not sure yet whether I will be releasing these stories for individual sale or whether I will do them as a collection. If I do the latter, chances are very high it will be under the title Walking the Wards.

Stand by for more data on this as it happens!

Short Pieces

The Disenchanting of Princess Cerridwen: free until 9/19!

As I announced yesterday, I have re-released the short story “The Disenchanting of Princess Cerridwen”, exclusive for the Kindle for the next ninety days! Which lets me do things like “set the price to free”–which I have now done, and this will be in effect through 9/19! So if you’re a Kindle reader and you’d like to snarf a copy of the story, you can do so on all the Amazon sites, both US and International!

Amazon US

Amazon CA

Amazon UK

Amazon AU

Amazon DE

Amazon FR

Amazon ES

Amazon IT

Amazon NL

Amazon JP

Amazon IN

Amazon MX

Amazon BR

I will be updating the Short Stories page with all of these links. Please spread the word around if you’re so inclined!

If you’re on Twitter, this is the tweet I used:

#Free till 9/19: The Disenchanting of Princess Cerridwen, a Rebels of Adalonia universe story, available for Kindle: