
Hiatus breakage

It will probably surprise none of you that I’ve managed to soundly break my book hiatus the last few weeks. But that said, given recent family events slapping another pile of debt on top of us even aside from the required roof repairs, I will need to be returning to that hiatus. Let us, however, at least document what I’ve got here.

Picked up in print in recent weeks:

  • Tongues of Serpents, by userinfonaominovik. I’ve had this in ebook for a while and have done it a sore injustice by not reading it yet. That said, Temeraire is of course on my list of Stuff I Must Also Buy in Print. So since this one came out in mass market, I did!
  • The Snow Queen’s Shadow, by userinfojimhines. Book Four of his ongoing Princess series of fantasy novels.
  • Rebels and Lovers, by Linnea Sinclair. Romantic SF. Bought in paperback because I was vaguely cranky to discover that there’s not any real easy way I can get an iBook off the iPad onto the Nook (without going through Certain Channels), so I thought “screw it” and got the DRM-free paperback instead.
  • The Thirteenth House, Dark Moon Defender, and Reader and Raelynx, all by Sharon Shinn. Fantasy. Books 2-4 of her Gillengaria series, book 2 of which I’ve already read. Shinn is another author I’ve already got mostly in print, and I’m not inclined to give up her print books, so I got the paperbacks for consistency.
  • Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier. Romantic suspense. Bought because B&N seduced me with a 15 percent off coupon, and because I’ve kept meaning to read du Maurier for a while now, and I haven’t been able to get hold of a copy of The Scapegoat yet.
  • The Secret Adventures of Charlotte Bronte, by Laura Joh Rowland. Mystery. Bought because seeing the recent movie adaptation of Jane Eyre put me in the mood, mostly, for a mystery featuring Jane’s author as the heroine. Yeah, I’m a sucker for those sorts of mysteries, what can I say. Also, because I’ve previously encountered this author thanks to her period mysteries set in feudal Japan, and the one of those I read was respectable. So checking here out here too.

And, picked up electronically:

  • The Hunt, by Jan Neuharth. Mystery, it looks like; this was this past Friday’s B&N freebie, so I yoinked it out of curiosity. It appears to be set around a foxhunting community, and there promises to be murder and horrible secrets coming out and such.
  • Lord of Scoundrels, by Loretta Chase. Romance. Grabbed this while it was on sale for .99, and because it’s highly spoken of by the ladies at Smart Bitches.
  • The Blue Light Project, by Timothy Taylor. Suspense, maybe. This was another B&N freebie, and focuses on a four-day hostage situation in the near future. Also, it’s set in Canada; Canada fiction FTW!
  • The Whisper of Leaves, by K.S. Nikakis. Fantasy. Saw this one in B&N, thought it looked interesting, and grabbed the ebook later.
  • Doctor Who: The Monsters Inside, by Stephen Cole. Just what it says on the tin: a Doctor Who novel. It’s a Nine/Rose one, which I’ve wanted to read for a while just because stories involving Nine are still fairly thin on the ground.
  • Doctor Who: Winner Takes All, by Jacqueline Rayner. Got this one since it’s another Nine/Rose story, and because I liked Rayner’s Ten/Rose story, The Stone Rose.

All of which brings me up to a good strong showing of 129 for the year.

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