Ladies and gentlemen, mesdames et messieurs, all my pals of the Internet, last night I finished the final scene in the initial draft of Victory of the Hawk. There is an Invader Zim quote that seems appropriate at this time:
I have fired the complete, LONG overdue manuscript to my editor and am now on standby for her requested developmental edits, which I am expecting to fall on my head any time now. Chances of my needing to hunker down this weekend to work on these edits are VERY high. Chances are also good that when I go up to Canada next month, I’ll be charging through line and/or copy edits by then, too. Given how long it took me to turn this thing in, I promised my editor as well that I’ll be doing everything in my power to get the edits done as fast as possible. We need to finish this puppy up before Christmas.
Meanwhile, given that our targeted release date is April 6, 2015, I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you all that if you like high fantasy and you haven’t yet read Valor of the Healer and Vengeance of the Hunter, now would be a very good time for you to do so. The two of them together are only around six bucks from Carina! And as always, you can find all the buy links you can shake a stick at on the Rebels of Adalonia page right over here. Don’t forget, either, Valor of the Healer is also available in audio format.
I have to clear Victory off my plate before I can also turn long overdue attention back to Bone Walker, but stand by for updates on that score, too. I hope to be diving back into that the instant I finish the final Victory edits.
Very much looking forward to delivering this final book to the trilogy, you guys, and closing the arc on Kestar, Julian, and Faanshi. I hope you all will enjoy it!
And also? HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS this means I’ve written six, count ’em, six complete novels. Victory will be my fourth one on actual sale, and I’m VERY much looking forward to getting Bone Walker out to you hopefully at the same time if not before, to become novel #5 on sale. And then? Then comes Queen of Souls!