
Multi-lingual OH hey I got ebook credit! book roundup

If you’re a regular buyer of ebooks, you may be aware that a lot of the ebook vendors have had to issue credits to customers because of a court settlement pertaining to ebook pricing. I’ve gotten credit now from both the iBookstore AND Barnes and Noble, and should have something from Kobo showing up eventually, too!

The fun part? My credit from B&N was substantial. So I breezed through a lot of books that’d been sitting on my wishlist for a while, mostly things I’d previously owned in print, and which I wanted to replace with ebook versions!

From B&N:

  • The Witness, Whiskey Beach, Dark Witch, and Shadow Spell, by Nora Roberts. Assorted romantic suspense and paranormal romance, on general principles of “Because I like Nora Roberts”!
  • Prior Bad Acts, Dark Paradise, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, The Alibi Man, Dark Horse, Magic, Deeper Than the Dead, and Secrets to the Grave, all by Tami Hoag. A bunch of Hoag that had previously been in my collection in print, plus some newer stuff I haven’t read yet.
  • Storm Kissed, by Jessica Andersen. Book 6 of her Night Keepers series, which I am sadly behind on! Paranormal romance.
  • And last but most assuredly not least, Circle of Shadows by Imogen Robertson, Book 4 of her Crowther and Westerman series. Historical mystery. Yum.

Meanwhile, from the iBookstore, from which I don’t usually buy books unless they’re DRM free, I scarfed:

  • Servant of the Underworld, Harbinger of the Storm, and Master of the House of Darts, all by Aliette de Bodard. Aztec-mythos fantasy from Angry Robot. Sounded like a change of pace, and since Angry Robot is delicious DRM free goodness, decided to pick these up.

MEANWHILE! Picked up in print, ordered directly from Lulu since this is the only way of getting this book:

  • Le québécois en 10 leçons, by Alexandre Coutu. I’m given to understand that this is an excellent reference source for Quebecois French, and I’m quite looking forward to digging into it. 😀

And last but most assuredly not least, a book which gets special mention since I learned about it from this post on OffQc, a blog I follow for daily tidbits of information about the Quebec language and life in Montreal:

  • Ah shit, j’ai pogné le cancer, by Maude Schiltz. This is an autobiography by a cancer patient in Quebec, in which she presents the story of her diagnosis and how she dealt with it. As a cancer survivor myself and a student of Quebec French, I pretty much had to read this. I love her title, because YEAH. And I’ve had the pleasure of chatting briefly with the author on Facebook as well, and was delighted by how happy she was that her book made it out of Quebec and into the hands of an Anglophone. She uses a lot of humor in her story, and she seems like an awesome lady in general. So if any of y’all have enough French to be able to read something in that language, consider checking this out too.

This puts me at 37 books acquired so far for the year.

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