The book-buying gods have smiled upon me, for lo, I received not only a B&N gift card for my birthday, I also got a VISA gift card from work for hitting my five-year mark with them. I took the latter over to a B&N to get myself a gift card loaded up with that card’s balance (after nabbing a copy of the soundtrack for Desolation of Smaug). Which means, of course, a tasty, tasty book roundup post!
Nabbed therefore from B&N:
- The Splendour Falls, by Susanna Kearsley. For general “I buy everything by Susanna Kearsley” reasons, and this is one of her older books I haven’t managed to read yet. I have a paperback copy, but I buy her in both formats, and this is the first this ebook’s finally been made available to US markets.
- What Remains of Heaven and Where Shadows Dance, by C.S. Harris. Books 5 and 6 of her Sebastian St. Cyr historical mystery series.
- To Darkness and to Death, All Mortal Flesh, and I Shall Not Want, by Julia Spencer-Fleming. Books 4, 5, and 6 of her Clare Fergusson/Russ Van Alstyne mystery series.
- Magic Bleeds, by Ilona Andrews. Book 4 of the Kate Daniels urban fantasy series.
7 for the year so far.