A few new backers came in this afternoon, and brought the project very, very close now to the 80 percent mark! This is getting seriously exciting, people. Still two weeks to go and we’re already coming down the homeward slope to full funding.
And now I can share with you these teaser tidbits for who have jumped in to participate on the Faerie Blood and Bone Walker soundtrack!
We do of course have my very own Dara, who has already flexed her considerable musical muscle with her work under the banner of Crime and the Forces of Evil. In addition to commanding the studio equipment, Dara will also unleash her bouzouki Kohaku and every other instrument in her arsenal. She’s already writing chord progressions for music to fit in with Bone Walker, people, and do you know how fabulous it is to hear someone writing music for a story coming out of your very own head? Pretty damned fabulous, that’s how.
We’ll have Sunnie Larsen, mistress of violin and viola, a fixture in the local pagan, folk, and filk music circles. She’s played with the likes of Bone Poets Orchestra, Tricky Pixie, Vixy and Tony, and more!
And we’ll have Leannan Sidhe providing her haunting vocals! She and Dara have performed and worked together, and I’m here to tell you, I can’t imagine a more appropriately-named performer to be joining us on this project. I encourage you all to go check out her own ongoing Kickstarter, not only so that you can get an idea of what she sounds like for purposes of my soundtrack, but ALSO because her second album will be very, very worth your attention. Go check her out and tell her Anna sent you!
Please keep those pledges coming, folks, and if there are places you can signal-boost, do so! Don’t forget, when we get to backer #100, I’ll hand out another ebook copy of Faerie Blood‘s first edition. At the $3,500 mark, I’ll give out one of my two print copies of same, made by Third Place Press as our test run before we do the second edition and Bone Walker!
And at that point as well, I’ll announce what we need to get to in order to bring you not only the soundtrack, but Book 3 of Kendis’ trilogy as well! Stick around, and thank you all, thank you so very, very much, for your support!