So! Here I am on my first night of Norwescon, and all, repeat, all of my remaining postcards and posters for Kiri Moth’s awesome Faerie Blood cover art have vanished off the freebie tables where I left ’em. And at least one person appears to have bought Faerie Blood on Amazon today, and I have picked up a couple new followers on Twitter as well.
If you’re coming by because you found those posters and postcards, and you see this before the end of the convention: special offer! Come find me and I’ll sign that postcard or poster for you, and also give you $1 off either the print edition of Faerie Blood OR the CDs of the ebook that I have with me! Blonde chick. Brown hat. Great Big Sea hoodie. Can’t miss me!
Asking $15 for the print editions, and $5 for the ebook CDs–which contain not only the EPUB, PDF, and MOBI formats of the current edition of the book, but ALSO the EPUB and PDF of the original Drollerie Press edition. And I’ve thrown in the EPUB, PDF, and MOBI editions of the Warder universe short story “The Blood of the Land” as well. I have 17 copies of these discs, and they’re a Norwescon exclusive. Get ’em from me while supplies last!
ALSO: I have arranged with the nice lady who runs the Book Universe table to have four copies of the print edition on consignment for the con! If you can’t find me and you want a copy of the book, look in the dealers’ room for the Book Universe table! I buy books from them every year just because they’re awesome.
ALSO #2: Special shoutout to Tiger Gray and Vivien Weaver at the Hard Limits Press table in the dealers’ room, who turn out to know my most EXCELLENT editor at Carina, Deb Nemeth! I bought the two books they were selling on the grounds of that, and we had an awesome conversation about each other’s book covers, and publishing under pen names. Note also: Hard Limits Press is taking submissions. Fellow writers, go look ’em up.