If you’re reading angelakorrati.com posts via mirrored means (hi there, LJ, Dreamwidth, Goodreads, and tumblr users!), you won’t see unless you click through–but I’ve done a little housekeeping. To wit:
- New theme! Woo!
- Standalone pages now have comments disabled and hidden.
- My Contact page has been updated to include my Google+ and Tumblr info.
- The page for Defiance has had it now-defunct buy links removed since the book is no longer available for sale.
- I have added the capability to crosspost from WordPress out to Tumblr, now that I have an account there.
And, although I haven’t actually started this yet, be on the lookout for a rework of my How to Read Ebooks set of posts. Since we’ve had some changes in the ebook and ereader realm over the last several months (notably, the releases of the Kindle Fire and Nook Tablet, and the ability to check out library books on the Kindle), an update of that information is definitely called for. So watch this space for more data on that!