It must be time for another Book Roundup! Purchased or acquired lately by me:
- Pure Blood, by
(Caitlin Kittredge), Book 2 of her Nocturne City series. Urban fantasy. Re-purchased in print even though I’d tried to re-buy her books in electronic form, because apparently this is the only book of that series not available on the Barnes and Noble ebook store. They have books 1, 3, 4, and 5, but not 2! Which makes no damn sense to me, and B&N’s customer service can’t tell me anything helpful, so I guess I get to read this ‘un in print.blackaire
- Aristoi, by Walter Jon Williams. SF. Y’all may recall I read this already as a library book, since it was recommended to me by
. Found a used paperback copy at Third Place, so I leapt on it!gfish
- Where Serpents Sleep, by C.S. Harris. Mystery. Book 4 of the Sebastian St. Cyr series, which I’m enjoying. Bought in print since I’d started buying it in print before and I like to be consistent about these things!
- Dreams of the Compass Rose, by Vera Nazarian. Yoinked for free electronically from Smashwords here, since she’s making it available for the time being in the hopes of building her reader base. I like free books, so hey!
- The Glades: Pilot, by Clifton Campbell. This isn’t actually a novel; it’s the script of the pilot of a forthcoming TV series. B&N had it available as a free download, presumably to promote the show. Again: free stuff! The show’s a crime drama, apparently about a detective who is framed and accused of having an affair with his boss’s wife and exiled to the Everglades.
- Soul Identity, by Dennis Batchelder. Another free download from Barnes and Noble, which seems to be sort of SF/thriller-y.
- Home Safe, by Elizabeth Berg. Yet another free download from B&N, only this time this was via their in-store promotion where if you came in and told them you were a Nook owner, they’d give you a voucher for a download of the free ebook of the week. I happened to grab this ‘un. Don’t know if I’ll like it, since it seems to be more of a “women’s lit” thing, but we’ll see!
- Siren of the Waters, by Michael Genelin. One more free download from B&N; this one seems, again, SF/mystery/thriller-y.
- On Her Trail, by Marcelle Dubé. Romantic suspense. I actually won this as part of Carina Press promoting its launch! Which is neat, since I’d been planning on buying it.
I think that’s everything, and that brings me up to 162 for the year.