Some of y’all may have noted that I had a short story called “The Disenchanting of Princess Cerridwen” on my Short Stories page. This is a tale I originally wrote for an anthology that never happened, which was to have a theme of queer characters impacted by magic. “Cerridwen” was my take on an origin story for a character who is very, very important in the Rebels of Adalonia books–and what happened to a human village as part of what went down. In particular, what happened to a young shieldmaiden and princess, and the woman she loved.
“Cerridwen” has been updated to reflect certain changes in character names that showed up as I wrote the Rebels books. And moreover, I’m pleased to announce that the story now has official cover art, courtesy of Derrick Freeland! Many thanks to Derrick for his work!
I have re-released the story as of today. I’m going to experiment with KDP Select for this, since it IS a short story instead of a novel, and so for the next ninety days it will be an Amazon exclusive. After that, I will be releasing it to the other platforms I work with as well. The reason for this is that I want to get some actual data as to what having an exclusive story on Amazon might do for my sales numbers, and to hopefully raise my visibility to Kindle readers. (‘Cause the vast majority of my sales ARE still on the Kindle, and I’d like to bump those numbers up higher!)
So for the time being, if you’re a Kindle reader, you can grab the story right over here. It’s set to 99 cents for price right now–but if you look at the page TOMORROW, I will be running a five-day promotion in which the story will be available for FREE. So be on the lookout for that!
The story is of course also available on international Amazon sites, and I will be updating the Short Stories page accordingly. But in the meantime, here’s that cover reveal!

The Disenchanting of Princess Cerridwen