Hey all, just so everyone knows, due to the ongoing web server instability on my home network, keeping angelahighland.com as my primary author website has become problematic. So I’m going to convert angelahighland.info to be my new primary author site.
If you’re following angelahighland.com posts directly via RSS, I invite you to follow angelahighland.info instead as I’m going to start putting the bulk of my activity there. You should be able to use https://angelahighland.info/feed/ instead.
If you actually have a WordPress.com account of your own, you can subscribe via their mechanism for that, too. WordPress.com has a help page about how to do that here.
Those of you who read me via my crossposts to Dreamwidth, I’ll need to see if I can set up something to crosspost from the .info site. I don’t know if I can yet, and unless I upgrade from my current premium plan to a business one, WordPress.com won’t let me install plugins there. So I’ll need to look at other options. For the time being, anything I need to post out to Dreamwidth will probably come in off annathepiper.org.
Most if not all of the primary content from the .com site is going to get copied over to the .info site over the next few days. And by primary content, that means, the actual book-related static pages.
Content here that isn’t directly related to my books (e.g., Quebec music stuff) will probably get copied back to annathepiper.org. Posts and comments I will probably also copy back over there.
Eventually, I will probably have this site go dark. But I need to do all the content transfer first! And I’ll also be setting up redirects for the major site pages so that people who hit them (at least assuming that our web server is actually friggin’ UP) can go safely over to the .info site.
Any questions, y’all, let me know!