Bone Walker, book 2 of the The Free Court of Seattle, is now decreed by me to have February 3rd as its official release date!
Tonight, Dara will be making the cover for the ebook editions for me. Once I have that, I’ll be creating entries on all the various ebook vending sites where Faerie Blood is sold, and will be making the book available for preorder in as many places as possible. When I have those links, the book’s official page will be updated accordingly!
IF YOU ARE PROOFREADING, I will be required to upload the final version of the book to Amazon no later than the 24th of this month, which will mean I’ll need all proofreading feedback back before then. I will be working on the epub and mobi editions TONIGHT, and will get those ready for sanity checking. So if you have ereaders of any kind and are available to format-check the ebooks, I would like to hear from you!
IF YOU SUPPORTED THE KICKSTARTER and are due an ebook of Bone Walker as part of your rewards, you WILL be getting the ebook before its official public release date. Watch the update mails I send around for further updates on when the book will be available to you.
IF YOU WANT A PRINT EDITION, Dara and I will be doing everything in our power to get the print edition ready before Conflikt, which will be the weekend of January 30th through February 1st. Whether we will have books will depend hugely upon how fast Third Place can print me, so the sooner we can get that done the better. I will ALSO need proofreaders for the print edition, so if you want to volunteer for that, I’ll need to hear from you too!
Are you excited? I’m excited! 😀 And looking forward to getting this book to you all!