I have now written the Dedication, Acknowledgements, Author’s Notes, and About the Author sections to go into Bone Walker. And something awesome I realized as I did this last night: I can actually do a page that didn’t appear in Faerie Blood, i.e., a page of Hey Here’s Other Stuff I’ve Written!
Counting this one, I have five whole novels I can put on that list, you guys. 😀
And I can also put a chapter of Faerie Blood in the back! And maybe, if Carina gives me permission to do so, I can also include blurbs to cross-promote the Rebels of Adalonia books! I have inquired about this through the proper channels to see if this is a thing I can do.
Meanwhile, I have also alerted Third Place Books to be on the lookout for Dara and me to come to them soon with PDFs for Bone Walker‘s first print run. Chances are decent that we’ll have the print edition ready to go before the end of the month. However, whether the print run actually then happens is up to Third Place and how booked they are when we get to them. More on this as it develops.
I have learned from Third Place, though, that they can’t get ISBNs for clients anymore. So I’ve gone ahead and bought myself a block of ten of them, along with a barcode which will be used for Bone Walker’s print edition. This is stupidly and annoyingly expensive. However, hopefully I won’t have to do this again for a while. I’ll be using some of this block of ISBNs on Bone Walker’s release, and can hoard the rest for use later.
Still to come:
- File copyright for Bone Walker
- Confirm with Carina whether I can use cover copy for my Carina books
- Put the Faerie Blood excerpt in the back
- Start allocating the ISBNs for the various editions of Bone Walker
- Set up the barcode
- Finish putting the master copy of the ebook file together and release that to proofreaders
- Once the proofread sweep is completed, give the master file to Dara for the print and PDF layout
- Convert the master copy to HTML and start setting up the styling for the epub
- Plug the cover art into the epub
- Convert the epub to mobi for Amazon release
- I’m sure I’ll think of more
This is exciting, you guys. This is starting to look like a book!