Hi all,
Please be advised that as of January 1st, the primary domain for accessing my website is going to be flipped around from angelakorrati.com to angelahighland.com, to start laying the groundwork for my Carina Press release in April!
angelakorrati.com will also continue to work, but it’ll become a redirect to angelahighland.com. In other words, the exact opposite of how these domains work now–right now angelakorrati.com is the canonical URL, and angelahighland.com is the redirect.
On a related note, please also be advised that starting in 2013, quite a bit of content that I normally post to my annathepiper.org blog is going to start showing up here. This is because I’d like to emphasize this site, and demonstrate to visitors that I AM an active poster. If you’re following me via Livejournal or Dreamwidth, there will be no change in those mirror versions of my posts–they’ll still show up on those places the same way they are now. This’ll mostly just affect people who visit my WordPress blogs directly.
Any questions, do please let me know!