As promised, ladies and gentlemen, I give unto you the winners of the Faerie Blood giveaway! If you see your name on this list, please contact me ASAP to claim your prize! If you win an ebook copy, I will need a valid email address to send you a link to download the ebook! If you win a print copy, I will need you to send me your snailmail address so that I can mail you your book before I leave for my Canada vacation!
Print copy winners–if I don’t hear from you by 8pm Pacific time TOMORROW NIGHT (that’s Friday, July 20th), I will have to draw a new winner! I want to send out the winner copies by mail before I leave for Canada, and my only chance to do that will be on Saturday! So do please claim your prize promptly!
Now without further ado, courtesy of your friend and mine the Random Number Generator, here we go!
Ebook #1 goes to David Stayduhar! (Who I primarily communicate with on Facebook, so David, please ping me there!)
Ebook #2 goes to Misty, who I primarily communicate with either on the MurkMUSH or on Google+! Misty, you know what to do!
Print copy #1 goes to Catherine Lundoff who I communicate with in several places, so Catherine, take your pick!
Print copy #2 goes to me_fein
Congratulations, winners, I hope you’ll enjoy my book! And many thanks to all who spread the word of the contest!