Bone Walker, Faerie Blood

Last call for Kickstarter!

I hit funding several days ago, but now my Kickstarter’s finally about to run out! 29 hours to go as of this writing!

So here’s my last call, folks–if anybody wants in on the second edition of Faerie Blood + first release of Bone Walker goodness, now is the time! And here is the place:

Cracked 50K on Bone Walker yesterday and will be making a hard, hard push to get it to JoSelle for editing by the end of this month. Artist Kiri Moth is researching sketching for my character Elessir for the Bone Walker cover and I cannot WAIT to see what she does with him, or to deliver these books. 😀

As with Great Big Sea fandom, there’s always room for more! So jump in if you feel inclined, signal boost out to appropriate channels, and let’s see how far I can run this thing up before the clock finally runs out!

Thanks very much to all who have already supported, and thanks for anything y’all do!

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