I’m getting excited over here, people, I gotta say. Because OMG OMG OMG look what Kiri Moth sent me tonight! (Those of you on the social networks, you saw this already, but here it is for LJ and DW and blog and Goodreads peeps!)
It’s a mockup, I know, but HOLY CRAP it’s starting to sink in for me that I’m going to have an actual, honest-to-gods, drawn-by-a-professional-artist book cover. ON MY BOOK. That I’m going to be printing and making for all of you folks out there! I can’t wait to fire up the Kickstarter. Dara and I need to make a video, the last thing I need to do before submitting the project for review. And this shiny, shiny thing from Kiri is going to figure prominently in the You Want to Support My Kickstarter, Don’t You? Video of Awesomeness. 😀
Because I mean damn. I’m swooning over this already and this is just the mockup, people! I cannot wait to see what it looks like in final full-color glory!