My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Okay, now we’re finally talking. Something About You was the Julie James book so eagerly supported by the Smart Bitches, and when I finally made it to this one after reading the first two by James, I could see what they were going on about. Of the three, which I read back to back, this one was easily most enjoyable to me. It helped a great deal that this one was more romantic suspense rather than a pure romance plotline, so there was more to line up with my personal reading tastes.
Our heroine Cameron Lynde is an assistant US attorney who overhears a murder while she’s staying in a luxury hotel–and to her shock and horror (and to the glee of her percolating hormones), the FBI agent assigned to the case is Jack Pallas, the very same agent whose career she ruined three years before. Cue the obligatory Having to Put Their Past Behind Them to Solve the Case, and all of the attendant sexual tension therein.
Two big things I liked about this: Cameron was reasonably smart about dealing with police protection and Jack having to improve the security in her house. And by ‘dealing with’, I mean, ‘she actually accepted it and did her best to work with it’, as opposed to ‘pitching a tantrum and sneaking around the guys trying to do their jobs to keep her from getting killed’. So points for that. Also high marks for having the B romance in this story actually being a gay one, which I was not expecting. Cameron has the typical Romance Heroine Accessory of a gay male best friend, only he and his boy get a nice amount of screen time and some actual character development.
It still wasn’t the most substantial thing I’ve ever read, to be sure. While there were many aspects of it I enjoyed, I still found quite a few of the chain of events driving the overall plot disappointingly predictable. Still, this was definitely my favorite of the James ebooks I read earlier this year, and I liked it well enough that I’d consider reading further romantic suspense from this author. Three and a half stars (rounded up to four, since Goodreads doesn’t do half star ratings).