More books, all electronic!
- Brains: A Zombie Memoir, by Robin Becker. Because you all know how I love me some zombies, and I have in fact already read this one, since it’s a fast, quick read. This is another one that does the schtick of “point of view of a sentient zombie”, but this time, our zombie protagonist is a former English professor and a pompous ass to boot. And yet, it’s a strangely heartwarming tale of a zombie outbreak from the zombies’ point of view! My usual review post will be forthcoming.
- Night Life and Street Magic, both by
(Caitlin Kittredge). Urban fantasy, the first books of both of her ongoing series. These are re-buys of books previously owned in print.blackaire
- The First Light Chronicles Omnibus, by Randolph Lalonde. SF. Another Barnes and Noble freebie.
And that makes 166! kisanthe