First up, in print:
Jade Man’s Skin, by Daniel Fox, a.k.a. ! Fantasy. Purchased in print because the cover is gorgeous, and also, all of his books, I get in print. (Watch this space for a forthcoming Chaz Brenchley/Daniel Fox readathon, in fact!)
And, in electronic form:
- Every last currently available book of The Dresden Files, by Jim Butcher. Because he’s also somebody I’ll buy in print, but he’s Just That Awesome, so I’ll buy him electronically too! (Also, because the last couple of paperbacks for the Dresden Files are in that slightly-bigger-than-mass-market format, which is vexing–so while I want a print copy for purposes of Supporting Jim, it’ll be easier to read them electronically.) Anyway, that’s eleven books of Harry Dresden Awesomeness, and it’ll shortly be twelve when Changes comes out!
- Midnight Never Come, by Marie Brennan. Fantasy.
- Four of the In Death series, by J.D. Robb: Purity in Death, Seduction in Death, Reunion in Death, and Promises in Death. The last one is actually the newest one I was lacking in the series, and the other three are replacements for loaned copies of the paperbacks I never got back. Mystery/romantic suspense.
- Six Shannara-related books, by Terry Books–because I was in the mood to kick it old school and go back and re-read the original Shannara trilogy. Only now there’s a prequel and an epilogue as well as several other books that bridge the gap between the present-day world and the future world Shannara’s set in. Titles: Running with the Demon, First King of Shannara, The Sword of Shannara, The Elfstones of Shannara, The Wishsong of Shannara, and Indomitable. Fantasy.
- The Convent of the Pure, by Sara M. Harvey. Heard about this one via the Outer Alliance. It’s steampunky and it features a lesbian demon-hunter and the ghost of her dead lover. Fantasy/steampunk.
Total here: 24
Total so far for 2010: 69