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Bone Walker, Faerie Blood, Valor of the Healer

Meanwhile, for those of you on Scribd or Oyster

Smashwords deploys to both Scribd and Oyster, so if you subscribe to either of those services, you can find the Free Court of Seattle books there! Here are the links, which will be added to the books’ pages:

Faerie Blood:

Scribd | Oyster

Bone Walker:

Scribd | Oyster

On a related note, Harlequin has begun experimenting with putting material on Scribd as well. So if you’re a subscriber there you can ALSO read Valor of the Healer! The link for that is here and will be added to Valor‘s page as well.

Scribd does not yet have Vengeance of the Hunter, but they might pick it up if Valor shows some activity. So if you or any of your friends use the service, consider sharing the link around, mmkay? I will get paid for reads of the books on these services!