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google play

Faerie Blood

Faerie Blood now deployed to Google Play

It took me a while to do this, and it was hands down the most difficult and frustrating book deploy I’ve done. BUT! Faerie Blood is now finally available for Google Play users right over here.

This is the link I get to by going to and just searching for “faerie blood”–but I don’t know if there are different links for international users yet. When I find out I will update the book’s official page! The book should become available worldwide for Google Play users though–so if you’re an Android user in any country where Google Play has been deployed, you should be able to get the book that way now.

Note: I am aware that Google keeps rendering the apostrophe in Korra’ti as the HTML character for it. I keep trying to fix that and it keeps screwing it up. The same thing happens when I drop comments on Blogger-based blogs, too. I’m also aware that the blurb on the page I’ve linked to is screwed up, and there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to fix that, either. (I can’t directly get at the blurb text, which is one of the frustrating things about the UI for deploying a book to the system.)

But all that said, at least now this is another way to buy the book! Spread the word, won’t you? Thank you!