The Internet

The great Dreamwidth Import Review is ongoing

Y’all may have noticed that I have not yet deleted my LJ. This is because I’m still reviewing the content port from LJ over to Dreamwidth, and it’s taking longer than anticipated. Because:

One: Holy hell, I posted a lot back in the day. Well, I post a lot now, too, only now it’s on Facebook instead of on a blog.

Two: I’m actually also taking the time to tag old posts for purposes of better finding them later. Which means I’m re-reading a bunch of them just to see what the hell I was posting about.

Three: Once I hit the point around 2008 or so when I shifted my home base of posting to my WordPress site, I’ll also need to be deleting a bunch of duplicate posts. Because for a while my posting trajectory looked like this:

WordPress->Dreamwidth simultaneous with WordPress->Livejournal

And then it became:


Which means that if I had post ABC that went from WordPress out to both Livejournal and Dreamwidth, it could possibly have gotten comments on both LJ and Dreamwidth.

When further means that now that I’ve done an LJ->Dreamwidth content port, then I have some cases of the LJ version of a post and the Dreamwidth version of the post, both of which are now on Dreamwidth, having different sets of comments. This is confusing and I’m not sure if there’s an easy way to fix this, since there’s no way I can really copypasta comments off one post and put them on another.

Anyway, I’m in the middle of March 2004 and this will take a while, and will possibly be something I’m working on while I’m at Norwescon this weekend in between trying to sell books.

But now at least I dug up the old tool LJ-Sec, and I’m using that to delete multiple posts at a time, which is making things go at least a little faster. Just because LJ’s UI for deleting posts IS annoying if you have to do it one at a time. (Note: LJ-Sec only runs on Windows, but I can confirm that it will run on Windows 10 as long as you have version 3.5 of the .NET framework installed.)

In the meantime, I’m seeing a few more folks who’ve dropped off of LJ finding me on Dreamwidth, so if you’re reading me on DW now, hiya! \0/

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