I’ve already noted the two I bought this past weekend, but here are other books I’ve acquired in the last couple weeks:
First up, to touch bases on print acqusitions:
- The signed hardback copy of Agatha H and the Airship City, by Phil and Kaja Foglio, given me for my birthday by
! Steampunky SF goodness, the novelization of the first bits of the Girl Genius graphic novel.technoshaman
- Steam-Powered: Lesbian Steampunk Stories, edited by
with a whole host of authors represented. I’ve already reviewed this, but this is me buying an ebook copy soupstart_crow
will be able to read it too, and I should also have a print copy on the way.solarbird
From Carina Press:
- Badlands, by Seleste deLaney. More steampunk. Pre-ordered since it looked interesting and I was there to buy a couple other titles anyway.
- The Mysterious Lady Law, by Robert Appleton. Another steampunk title, novella length.
- The Paris Secret, by Angela Henry. Romantic suspense.
- 47 Echo, by Shawn Kupfer. Military SF, bought in no small part because I want to encourage Carina to publish more SF/F!
‘s actually beaten me to reading this one and quite liked it.technoshaman
From B&N, mostly spending the $15 gift card kindly given me by jennygriffee
- Fraterfamilias, by Judith Doloughan and Paula R. Stiles. Fantasy/Thriller from Innsmouth Free Press, recommended on the Outer Alliance mailing list. If you want to check it out, the publisher has a page up for it here.
- Clementine, by
. I already have a hardback copy of this, but this is for reading on the nook! (And I can’t believe I somehow didn’t have the hardback of Clementine noted on last year’s list of purchases, but!)cmpriest
- Dreadnought, also by Cherie Priest, and again I’m re-buying electronically even though I have a trade paperback copy. This would be me prepping for a Cherie Priest marathon, yep yep yep.
That’ll do me for now. That’s nine on this list, plus the other two bought in print, bringing me to 11 books acquired thus far for the year.