Ooh hey, there’s finally a release date for the remaining volume of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea DVDs! Season Four, Volume 2, December 21st! Just in time for Solstice!
I think I shall have to do me a full, comprehensive Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea rewatch, like unto the various show rewatches they’ve been doing over on tor.com. Somebody, after all, must be the definitive source for Exactly How Many Times DO They Shoot A Charge Through the Hull to Kill the Attacking Monster, Anyway? And also, the authoritative opinion on whether GIANT WHALE + ATOMIC BOMB = OTP is or is not the best Voyage episode EVER, or whether that dubious honor must go to Vincent Prince and his Wee Little Evil Puppet Men. ;>
All hands, brace for impact. You have been WARNED.