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No. NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. NBC, put down the keyboard and back away NOW.

I just saw on tumblr this disturbing bit of reboot news: NBC is apparently planning a half-hour, comedy “sequel” to one of my all-time favorite shows, Remington Steele, according to this.

To which I must respond with an unequivocal NO. NO NO NO NO NO NO NONONONONONO. Also, NO. With this helpful visual aid!

Because I mean seriously. #1, the lack of any female names associated with this project raises red flags with me. The entire point of the original show was gender issues, i.e., Laura trying to thrive in a traditionally male job. And given that the issues in question haven’t improved much in media in the intervening decades, let’s just say my faith in a show team WITHOUT A WOMAN ON IT tackling a storyline about that character’s daughter is not very high.

#2, the original show worked beautifully as an hour-long comedy/drama. It was often very funny, yes, but also often very serious. If you’re going to do a show about the daughter of those two characters trying to follow in her parents’ footsteps, why are you going to fuck it up by turning it into a straight-out comedy? In half an hour, no less? She’s going to be a private detective, right? So are you going to cram much simpler mysteries to solve into 30 minutes? UGH.

#3, the entire NOTION of the show being based on Laura and Steele’s daughter makes me facepalm. Cliche much? So you guys are pretty much stealing a play from Fanfic 101 here?

Okay sure, a serious attempt at a Steele followup would have the considerable problem of trying to compete with its own descendants, the most shining current example of which is of course Castle. I adore the hell out of Castle in no small part because Steele has more than once been cited as its spiritual ancestor, with the whole will-they-won’t-they romantic couple solving crimes dynamic. But that’s the thing–we’ve got Castle now already rather filling this niche. So you’d have to raise the bar.

I think it could be done. Like I said above, it ain’t like gender politics have particularly improved in media representation since then. Look at the whole recurring sexism in SF/F issues we’ve had the last couple of years, the whole “fake geek girl” bullshitfest, and such. Look at the rape threats women get online. Look at the particularly toxic shit women in gaming go through. Gender politics are still here and you could still totally do a current-day adaptation of Steele that would have that same core concept: i.e., Laura Holt needing to prove herself every bit as competent as a man in a traditionally masculine job. Because, yeah, apparently, this message still needs to be heard.

But I’m definitely not seeing that a 30-minute “ha ha wouldn’t it be funny if Laura and Steele’s daughter reopened her parents’ agency and had wackyfun laughytimes?” is the way to do it.

And even aside from that, it’s just not something I want to see. I’d much rather watch Castle. Or hell, the original Remington Steele. That show was pretty awesome.

ETA: And oh yes, for the record? Remington Steele? Direct ancestor of my character Richard/Julian on AetherMUSH, who was in turn the original template for Julian in Valor of the Healer and the forthcoming Vengeance of the Hunter. Pierce Brosnan is also directly responsible for my ongoing affection for J.D. Robb novels (mmmmmm Roarke mmmmmmm) and by extension, black-haired, blue-eyed Irishmen with criminal pasts.



Doctor Who: Asylum of the Daleks reaction post

I’ve gotten out of the habit of posting in-depth TV episode reviews, but here’s this, because I wanted to get this out of my system and provide an opportunity for folks to yak about it with me if they so desire.

Spoilers will of course ABOUND behind the cut, and in the comments! Don’t clickie if you haven’t seen “Asylum of the Daleks” yet!

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The Legend of Korra!

If you love you some Avatar: The Last Airbender, and you’ve been waiting like the Murkworks for the arrival of The Legend of Korra, then you need to go RIGHT NOW to the show’s official site. They’ve posted the first two episodes as watchable right there on the site! (Note: I don’t know if it’ll work for viewers outside the US–somebody give it a try and see?)

It’s the middle of the thumbnails at the bottom of the main page, the one marked “The Legend of Korra” and running 46 minutes and change. 😀 The first two episodes are both in the one video!

Dara and Paul and I watched them last night, and oh, they were joyous. I love all the characters right out of the gate, both all the new characters and the one (much older now) familiar character who makes a brief appearance at the beginning. The updated technology adds a lovely new twist to the setting. Korra herself is great, great fun. And her polar beardog is adorable. 😀

Go! Watch! And thank the nice folks at for making the episodes available for the Internets to see!

ETA: userinfoframlingem reports that clicking on the link I gave above is redirecting her to the Korra Nation Facebook page, so it looks like this is only working for viewers in the US. Augh!


Big Finish just levelled up in AWESOME

So I’ve been following my Doctor Who Podcast boys for a while, and one of the awesome things they did a while back was to interview Scarf Doctor himself, Mr. Tom Baker. In that interview one of the questions raised was whether Baker would consider joining the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Doctors in recording audio adventures with Big Finish. At the time Baker made ambivalent yet interested noises, and userinfosolarbird and I both were all OOH OOH YES PLEASE DO THIS.

People, it looks like Big Finish have indeed scored Tom Baker. There are going to be new Fourth Doctor adventures as of next year! With Leela as the Companion in the first set of them, and Romana I coming in for the second set!

I told Dara this last night, and watched her eyes get huge and her face light up. She then informed me that we need ALL OF THESE–given that Leela is her favorite Classic Who Companion and all! That set is due out in January 2012, so WOO! Yule present, baby!

So for those of you who like Scarf Doctor, GO TO. Hell, you should check out Big Finish if you haven’t already, because they do excellent work with the other Doctor adventures they offer as well–full cast plays with excellent sound effects and music. They have several productions in particular of stories that had been scripted for the TV show but never got produced, and so they call those “Lost Stories”. Great fun!


Castle finale: AUGH!

Serious episode of Castle is very, VERY serious! For the love of all that’s holy if you haven’t seen the finale yet, DO NOT CLICK THE LINK because OHMIGOD the spoilers.

ETA 5/18/11 8:59am: Adding in some thoughts about ramifications for next season!

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I have a Doctor Who THEORY

And I blame this on sleep deprivation after being up until 2:30am with last night’s release for work, but nonetheless, here you go, peeps!

Massive, MASSIVE spoilers for seasons 5 and 6 lie beyond the fold. Do not clickie if you are not caught up on Matt Smith’s Doctor episodes!

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