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This is entirely Paul’s fault

So userinfospazzkat‘s been watching a lot of Hetalia via Netflix streaming lately. I’d known about Hetalia already so I knew the concept behind the show, but I hadn’t ever seen any–so I hadn’t really realized a few fundamental truths of this particular anime.

One, most of the country characters are awfully hot.

Two, the closing theme song is devilishly, insidiously catchy. INSIDIOUSLY, I TELL YOU.

Three, what really got me giggling over this was seeing the character of Canada, who looks suspiciously like America, being COMPLETELY INVISIBLE. And making the other countries wig out whenever he was in the room, because they’d think the room was haunted. Also, Canada is adorable. So is the Kodiak bear he carries around.

Four, some of the country characters are, in fact, girls.

All of these things combined to get userinfosolarbird and me imagining what Cascadia’s character in this cast of shenanigans would be like. We decided Cascadia is a girl, that she has a ponytail and wears a windbreaker, that she is very, VERY good with computers, and that she’s physically active. She is also the only country who can in fact see Canada, and she has a massive crush on him, but thinks she’s bonkers because she sees that nobody else can see him! Problem is, Canada can’t see her.

The fanfic just WRITES ITSELF. Which it should. Because I don’t have time to write it!


RIP, Elisabeth Sladen

Oh man, this one hurts.

Those of you who follow Twitter and Facebook as closely as I do already know this, but for those of you who don’t: the news just broke that Elisabeth Sladen, the actress who played Sarah Jane Smith in the classic Doctor Who series, the new series, and The Sarah Jane Adventures has passed away. And my heart breaks for her to hear that it was, yet again, due to cancer.

As many of you know I came officially into the Doctor Who fandom courtesy of the new show. But I can say with authority that Sarah Jane is one of the first Companions from the classic series that I very, very much liked, and I particularly liked her with Tom Baker in her run of episodes with him. Genesis of the Daleks, shown me by userinfospazzkat in my marathon introduction to classic-series Dalek episodes, stands out for me as a shining example of a classic series episode.

Her appearance with David Tennant in the episode “School Reunion” remains one of my favorites of the new show as well, in no small part due to the scene where she finally is reunited with the Tenth Doctor. But her scenes with Rose as well are gold.

The official Doctor Who site has a confirmation and statements from several Doctor Who luminaries here. And I’m seeing confirmations all over Twitter, notably from Paul Cornell and from the gentlemen of the Doctor Who Podcast. It is a sad, sad day for Doctor Who fandom.

RIP, Sarah Jane. You will be sorely missed.

Talk to me about your favorite Sarah Jane moments, people? Let’s remember her together.

(And for those of you reading this on LJ or DW, I don’t have an exactly mood-appropriate Doctor Who icon, so I’ll have to make do with a Dalek with tea. ‘Cause yeah, I think tea would be good.)


For my fellow Browncoats

You, yes YOU, must hie yourselves with all speed up to ASAP and see the “River Tam and the Fireflies” shirt they have on sale today. It is ADORABLE! ADORABLE, I TELL YOU! And it’s on sale for the next twelve hours or so. 😀

About Me, Television

New haircut, with pic!

I am generally about as low maintenance as it is possible to get with one’s hair. “Have I washed it lately?” and “have I brushed it lately?” are about the only hair-related questions I ask myself, and regardless of what the answers are, I find that there are few hair issues I can’t solve by stuffing it into a scrunchy and hiding it under a hat. I also very rarely get it cut or styled.

But that said, every two and a half to three years or so, I hit a point where my hair becomes officially Annoying, and it is time to whack it off and start over again. I have now reached that point. This time around it’s underscored by the fact that my beloved userinfosolarbird and I are going to a nice dinner on Tuesday night, at which I must dress more formally than usual, and so I wished to do something to my hair to maximize its ability to look decent without me having to do anything to do it.

Therefore she and I went to Great Clips yesterday and a very nice lady gave me the shortest haircut I’ve had in some time. In fact, I’m pretty sure I have Starbuck Hair now, and given my affection for my and Dara’s Crazy TV Girlfriend, this is not a bad thing. I do however promise to not paint weird things on walls, to run afoul of crazy Cylon stalkerboys, or go off on a last doomed mission to find Earth. (I make no promises about avoiding swooning, though, if either Jamie Bamber or Michael Trucco happen to show up.) Also, now I totally want a Galactica flight jacket all over again.

Behold my Starbuck hair!

Shorthaired Anna is Shorthaired

Me the day after my March 5 2011 haircut!