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Site Updates

Site Updates

Trying an experiment

I’ve been thinking for some time that it’s a little weird that most of my blog posts are on my personal blog,, while remains fairly inactive. Two reasons why this is weird:

  1. If somebody casually visits, they may miss my far more frequent posts on, and therefore miss more of what I’m generally like online, and
  2. The vast majority of writer blogs I’m familiar with don’t differentiate between just writing-related posts and personal ones.

So I’m trying an experiment. I’ve found a plugin that lets me syndicate posts off of one blog into another, so I’ll be using it to try to roll posts from onto

Note: if you are reading me via Livejournal or Dreamwidth, you are already seeing my direct mirrored copies of the posts on both blogs. This new plugin should NOT echo over onto LJ or Dreamwidth, if I understand it correctly. It’s ONLY for people directly reading on

So if you happen to actually be reading directly via RSS, and you’re also reading, you might try dropping the latter to avoid duplication of posts.

Let me know if you see any problems, people. If this works out I’ll leave it be. Otherwise I’m going to consider just merging the blogs, since I’m finding it also just slightly weird to be splitting up my posting efforts anyway.

Bone Walker, Site Updates

Housekeeping, and a Bone Walker blurb

I got tired of looking at the same theme over and over again, and after a lot of failed attempts to find a new one I liked, I finally settled today on “2010 Weaver”, a child theme of the Twenty Ten default theme that came with WordPress 3.0. The big reason I chose this theme was to take advantage of the ability of WP 3 to do menus–and as you can see if you look at the site (or if you click through off of the LJ or DW versions of this post), I’ve got a fully functioning menu now.

Spent much of this afternoon setting that up and tweaking a bunch of the settings to get it the way I wanted it. Along with twiddling the theme, I also took the time to sweep through all the pages on the site and update them as best I could, so at this point everything should be current. Most notably, I’ve spun off separate sub-pages for both Faerie Blood and Defiance, on the assumption that if I keep selling material, more of my books will want their own sub-pages. I fleshed out each of these new pages with a bit of an excerpt as well.

And, I updated the In Progress page with a current working version of the blurb for Bone Walker! Here it is:

Two months after the rising of her faerie blood and magic, Kendis Thompson thinks she’s starting to get the hang of her altered life. Along with her boyfriend Christopher MacSimidh, she’s learning magic from Millicent, the senior Warder of Seattle. Christopher’s taking to his long-denied Warder power, and all in all, the two are happily pursuing their relationship.

But nogitsune are prowling the city, on the hunt for a fugitive child with powers of her own–and the Unseelie bard Elessir has escaped from his vengeful queen, bringing with him a curse that lashes out to endanger Kendis’ closest friend. Now she must confront these dual threats to her city and her loved ones, along with the uncomfortable truth that there’s much more to her Seelie heritage than she knows.

It’s only a working draft of a blurb, but hey, it’s an incomplete working draft of a novel, so that’s all good. Hope it piques your interest, folks!

Site Updates

Site update and domain name redirect

Folks, just wanted to note that as of this evening, I’ve moved into the small network of blogs I’m now running off the same install of WordPress 3.0. I’ve done this to allow myself to use just one code base and common pool of themes and plugins, and hopefully it’ll make my life a little easier!

The domain name should now redirect to the new version of the site. Both and should work–if they don’t, let me know!

I think all my posts and tags and categories have come over, and if you’ve commented on a previous post your comment should still be here. So should your ability to leave comments without me having to moderate you. If you see any problems with that functionality, again, let me know.

About the only thing I know doesn’t work correctly yet are the polls. I haven’t done a proper export of that data yet, and it may take me a bit to get that transferred over. I know you’re all aching to tell me who your favorite character in Faerie Blood was, I know. 😉

Anyway, long story short, I’m updating things.

Defiance, Site Updates

Site update, and more on Defiance

In honor of the shiny new anthology Defiance being released, I’ve updated the site to celebrate the new cover. Y’all should see both of my works listed on the sidebar of my site now, and the color scheme’s been flipped back to blue to go with the new banner.

Also, I’ve shifted all my works in progress off to a new In Progress subpage of Books, because I wanted to spruce up the Books page a bit now that there are two things on it!

Please to note that so far Defiance is only available via the Drollerie bookshop, but we have it in all our usual formats: PDF, ePub, Microsoft Reader, Sony, and Mobipocket, so any of these should hopefully suit your ebook-reading needs! I will of course post further link updates as the book makes its way out into the wild. I have added the book to Goodreads, but if any of you out there who are LibraryThing users want to add it on that site, please feel free!

And oh yeah–I’ve been sent my personal copy and have gotten my editor’s leave to do a promo or two. So y’all be out on the lookout for another drawing forthcoming!

Drollerie Press, Site Updates

Meanwhile, a quick site update

For those of you who might be paying attention, I took a little time to update most of the pages on the site tonight, to properly reflect recent developments in Faerie Blood‘s purchasability (i.e., holy crap you can actually buy my book on Amazon now!). I also updated my Contact page to point off to my personal non-writing blog,, and to mention the various LJ-like sites that this blog and both mirror to.

And, I added in the missing June and July Drollerie Blog Tour links on the Extras page. Speaking of which, there will be no Drollerie Blog Tour this month since I do have a deadline I’m trying to hit. However, my fellow Drollerie author Rachael de Vienne, who wrote Pixie Warrior, is hosting a couple of guest posts that you might enjoy, so go check her out. She also posts lots of lovely old vintage photos as well, which are fun.

The Blog Tour will resume as normal in September, and with a topic that is of course near and dear to my heart: music. All y’all who’ve read Faerie Blood, if you have any requests for music-themed character vignettes or specific characters you’d like to see show up in same, drop a comment and let me know!