Site Updates

Site update and domain name redirect

Folks, just wanted to note that as of this evening, I’ve moved into the small network of blogs I’m now running off the same install of WordPress 3.0. I’ve done this to allow myself to use just one code base and common pool of themes and plugins, and hopefully it’ll make my life a little easier!

The domain name should now redirect to the new version of the site. Both and should work–if they don’t, let me know!

I think all my posts and tags and categories have come over, and if you’ve commented on a previous post your comment should still be here. So should your ability to leave comments without me having to moderate you. If you see any problems with that functionality, again, let me know.

About the only thing I know doesn’t work correctly yet are the polls. I haven’t done a proper export of that data yet, and it may take me a bit to get that transferred over. I know you’re all aching to tell me who your favorite character in Faerie Blood was, I know. 😉

Anyway, long story short, I’m updating things.

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