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July 2009

Book Log

Book Log #44: The Loch, by Steve Alten

Steve Alten’s The Loch was a grocery store impulse buy for me, and I have to admit I was drawn in by the promise in the blurb of a scientist guy haunted by a drowning experience in his childhood and being driven back to Loch Ness in Scotland to investigate whether the monster is really real. Sounds like fun, I said to myself.

Problem is, as grocery store impulse buys often do, the book just didn’t work for me over all. Our hero’s father is one big reason; the man’s an abusive prat, and constantly maligns his son’s manhood, calling him “lass” and randomly chosen feminine names practically every time he addresses him. And yet this is apparently all for the altruistic purpose of making Zach face his childhood fears. Um, what? Really? I gritted my teeth practically every time the character opened his mouth, and when Zach actually finally called his dad on his abusive asshattery, it really was too little too late for proper emotional satisfaction, even if it does shut dear old Daddy up.

Also, although this is less the fault of this book in particular and more the fault of being a general trope: I am generally crankier these days about romance plots that equate strong lust with actual love at first sight. I did sympathize with our hero getting dumped by his annoying fiancee after his initial accident, but wound up losing a good bit of that sympathy as his romance with his Actual Love Interest played out. Too many overused romance cliches, there.

Now, all this said, I did at least like the book well enough that I kept reading to the end, and it was doing interesting things with tying in the history of the Loch Ness monster to a centuries-old Jesuit conspiracy and a secret order. And it did have at least a bit of decent suspense. So overall, I’ll give it two stars.

Valor of the Healer

Hey, Lament beta readers?

I haven’t heard anything out of anyone besides , so if any of you all have anything to say to me about the novel, do please let me know tonight if possible. If you don’t have anything you think is a shipstopper, I want to get the thing sent off to Ms. Fox tomorrow!

Thanks again for all your help, folks. It is very, very much appreciated!

Faerie Blood

Since I've been asked, a contest addendum!

pointed out to me that y’all may find it useful to know my history of naming electronics I’ve owned if that’ll help you decide what to nominate for a naming choice.

I’ve had no formal naming scheme for my personal electronics, across the history of my buying stuff, aside from loose association with one of my fandoms. In my time I’ve owned:

Amiga 500: Elvis
NEC laptop: Aron
Sharp laptop: Garon
Compaq Presario #1: Garon
Compaq Presario #2: Garon
Fujitsu Lifebook: Newstar
MacBook: Winnowill
iPod #1: Allegro
iPod #2: Allegretto
HP iPaq: GIR

Overall themes here: musical fandom (i.e., Elvis, Elvis’ middle name, middle name of Elvis’ stillborn twin brother); Elfquest (Newstar and Winnowill), music (musical terms). Our servers here at the Murkworks are all named after objects in Elfquest (Newmoon, Lodestone, Door), and our media server is also named after an Elfquest character (Kimo). I have a thumb drive named after Fallberry, one of the Preservers I used to play on Two Moons MUSH.

So anything that invokes any of my fandoms is certainly fair game, and Elfquest is certainly one of my longest-running fandoms. Anything invoking MUSH alts I used to play or characters I’m writing now, also fair game, as are appropriate musical terms. I will further add that anything that refers to an assistant-type character, computer, or AI, especially if it’s connected to any of my fandoms, is a Good Idea. 😉

Faerie Blood

I'm getting an iPhone! And celebrating with a contest!

So has himself a shiny new iPhone 3GS, and has gone and given his old first-gen iPhone to . Dara futzed around with the device some last night to get it all set up and activated and stuff, and then let me play with it some to get the final bit of critical information I needed: i.e., could I use the virtual keyboard on the thing well enough to write on?

Survey says, YES. I quite liked the virtual keyboard that came in with the 3.0 version of the iPhone software, especially in landscape mode. This doesn’t leave much screen room, but that’s okay; for my purposes, all I really need is to be able to whip out a few paragraphs here and there (such as when I’m at a con or something), which I can then sync up onto my laptop later.

Knowing this, I stopped in the AT&T store this morning and ordered me a shiny new iPhone of my own. I asked for one of the 32G white ones, and the girl who rang me up said those are coming in pretty fast. So I should get the device sometime in the next few days–it may even come in before I get back from Disneyland!

And, folks, this is where you come in, because I also need to settle the vital question of what to name this incoming iPhone. Drop your suggestions in the comments! The strongest contenders will then go head to head in a poll.

To sweeten the deal, I will heretofore announce my very first author contest. The winner of the poll will get one free e-copy of Faerie Blood in the format of their choice (options: PDF, Mobi, or Microsoft Reader). Or, if you already own a copy of Faerie Blood, I’ll give you a copy of any Drollerie Press book of your choice from the Drollerie bookstore!

So spread the word far and wide, people, and start winging those suggestions at me! You have until Monday, when I get back from Disneyland, to submit your nominations for the poll!

ETA 4:47pm: A couple of quick addenda to stick in a couple of rules!

1. Multiple nominations will be allowed but I reserve the authorial right to allow only one nomination per person to get into the final actual poll.

2. If you’d like to endorse someone’s nomination, you may do so by dropping a comment in support of it wherever the nomination originally showed up (which is to say,, LJ, Dreamwidth, Facebook, or Twitter, since I doubt anybody’s actually reading this post from InsaneJournal or JournalFen). If a nomination receives at least two comments in support, it’ll go into the poll!

And again–y’all have until Monday the 13th to either get in your nominations or support somebody else’s! So let me hear from you, folks!

Valor of the Healer

Mobi-format Lament of the Dove

So if you happened to be thinking, “Hey Anna, I’d love to beta read Lament of the Dove for you, only I don’t have it on my Kindle/Sony Reader/iPhone running Stanza or some other appropriate Mobi-friendly reader app”, worry no more. has your back!

She’s kindly converted my RTF file for Lament into Mobi format and informs me that it can be “just drag-and-dropped into a Kindle’s ‘documents’ directory, or sync’d onto a Sony Reader, or used with Stanza on the Mac or on an iPhone, etc.”

All props to ! And if anybody wants this version of the file, sing out and I’ll fire it your way. Formatting may not be perfect but it should be readable!

Drollerie Press

Y'all like chocolate, right?

Chocolate. It’s a good thing. So are contests!

Drollerie Press is having a contest in honor of Celebrating Chocolate Day! Cindy Lynn Speer‘s The Chocolatier’s Wife is on sale for 20% off, and if y’all go drop a comment saying where you’ve linked to the post about the sale and contest, you’ll be put into a drawing for a $25 gift certificate for tasty, tasty chocolate.

Go for it. Buy the book! Enter the contest. Because, dude, CHOCOLATE.