Browsing Tag

things that are awesome


The Avengers: Glorious Symphony of Awesomeness

If you’ve known me or followed my posts on the Net for any length of time, you’ll know I’ve been a Joss Whedon fan for ages. Buffy, Angel, and Firefly, oh yeah, down with all of those. And I’ve also certainly enjoyed the Marvel superhero movies leading up to this one–both the Iron Man flicks, Thor, and Captain America being the ones I’ve seen. (I never caught Edward Norton as the Hulk.) So I was absolutely expecting to enjoy the hell out of the Avengers.

I was not disappointed. There was no moment of that movie that was not a GLORIOUS SYMPHONY OF AWESOMENESS. <3

This is going to be less 'review' and more 'fangirl squealing'! Look behind the fold for overall reactions!

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Other People's Books, The Internet

And because signalboosting is love

In between smiling winningly at the lot of you in the hopes you’ll help me with my project, I’d like to take the opportunity to mention some other excellent crowdfunding projects going on. Because I believe in subsidizing awesomeness, not to mention arts patronage and signalboosting!

First, I give you We See a Different Frontier, which is on Peerbackers rather than Kickstarter–but the same general mechanism of crowdfunding. (Peerbackers collects payment via Paypal rather than Amazon.) This project is for an anthology about colonialism in space, but they’re specifically interested in non-white, non-First-World perspectives, and it’s headed up by Djibril al-Ayad, general editor of The Future Fire, who I know via the Outer Alliance.

Second, back over on Kickstarter, let’s talk THE WARLOCK’S CURSE: #3 in the Veneficas Americana series, which is M.K. Hobson’s effort to continue the series she started with The Native Star and The Hidden Goddess! I liked The Native Star quite a bit, so if you like steampunk with a heaping side helping of romance and magic, you might go check this out!

Third, if comics are more your thing, you might check out Whispers from the Void™, a project that came across my radar thanks to the Paranormal Mystery list I’m on.

And last but most assuredly not least, I’d like to give serious plugging love to Mine to Love, the Kickstarter by none other than Leannan Sidhe, a local musician who’s worked with (and performed with) my very own Dara! She’s working to get her second album out, and I’m here to tell y’all, girl can sing. She has an amazing sweet soprano voice, and so if you like music by oh, say, Loreena McKennitt, you cannot do wrong at all by checking out her work!

Anybody out there know of other awesome ongoing projects you’d like to promote? Link ’em up in the comments and spread the signalboosting love!

Bone Walker, Faerie Blood

Test print copies of Faerie Blood! Whoa!

Okay, I say this entirely cognizant of how I am a big ol’ geek and of how much I loves me my ebooks: whoa, it gave me a bit of a shiver when userinfosolarbird brought me home these!

These, O Internets, are the only two print copies of the Drollerie edition of Faerie Blood that will ever exist. Dara and I have had Third Place Press print them up so that we could have a prop for the Kickstarter video we’re about to do–to show you exactly what the machine they use to make books can produce! And even knowing this, knowing these aren’t really the “official” printed copies of the book I’d like to share with you all, the sight of them still made me go holy crap this is a book with my name on it, in a way that the Drollerie ebook on my Nook or my iPad or iPhone never has.

userinfoapel has observed quite correctly to me on Twitter that there is a magic in tangible things, and I’m not at all immune to that even if so many of my books are in digital form these days.

I cannot wait to see the second edition of Faerie Blood, complete with Dara’s full layout and Kiri Moth’s awesome cover art, in this printed form. And I really hope y’all will get as big a kick out of it as I will, and jump in on the Kickstarter when it goes live! Join me, won’t you? Thank you!

Great Big Sea

Alan Doyle! May 22nd! The Tractor Tavern in Seattle! BE THERE!

And speaking of things that will involve so much awesome they will violate all laws of space and time, the most belovedest of my beloved B’ys, The Doyle Himself, is about to launch his solo tour for his forthcoming album. First stop?

RIGHT HERE IN SEATTLE, BABY! At the Tractor Tavern! 😀

Be advised that tickets go on presale TOMORROW AT 10AM for members! If you’re in my usual social circles you’ve already seen me squealing about this all over the Net today, and you may have been been emailed to check on your level of interest in this show! userinfosolarbird will be buying tickets on my behalf tomorrow at 10am sharp, since it conflicts with my morning standup meeting at work. If you haven’t already checked in with me and you want in on this ticket purchase, let me know NOW!

If you’re going to be at the show anyway, please let me know as well because I’d love to look for known faces, and because showing our support for Alan in as big a group as possible will ROCK!


The Legend of Korra!

If you love you some Avatar: The Last Airbender, and you’ve been waiting like the Murkworks for the arrival of The Legend of Korra, then you need to go RIGHT NOW to the show’s official site. They’ve posted the first two episodes as watchable right there on the site! (Note: I don’t know if it’ll work for viewers outside the US–somebody give it a try and see?)

It’s the middle of the thumbnails at the bottom of the main page, the one marked “The Legend of Korra” and running 46 minutes and change. 😀 The first two episodes are both in the one video!

Dara and Paul and I watched them last night, and oh, they were joyous. I love all the characters right out of the gate, both all the new characters and the one (much older now) familiar character who makes a brief appearance at the beginning. The updated technology adds a lovely new twist to the setting. Korra herself is great, great fun. And her polar beardog is adorable. 😀

Go! Watch! And thank the nice folks at for making the episodes available for the Internets to see!

ETA: userinfoframlingem reports that clicking on the link I gave above is redirecting her to the Korra Nation Facebook page, so it looks like this is only working for viewers in the US. Augh!

Bone Walker, Faerie Blood

Good gods this is going to be a book cover!

I’m getting excited over here, people, I gotta say. Because OMG OMG OMG look what Kiri Moth sent me tonight! (Those of you on the social networks, you saw this already, but here it is for LJ and DW and blog and Goodreads peeps!)

OMG a Cover!

OMG a Cover!

It’s a mockup, I know, but HOLY CRAP it’s starting to sink in for me that I’m going to have an actual, honest-to-gods, drawn-by-a-professional-artist book cover. ON MY BOOK. That I’m going to be printing and making for all of you folks out there! I can’t wait to fire up the Kickstarter. Dara and I need to make a video, the last thing I need to do before submitting the project for review. And this shiny, shiny thing from Kiri is going to figure prominently in the You Want to Support My Kickstarter, Don’t You? Video of Awesomeness. 😀

Because I mean damn. I’m swooning over this already and this is just the mockup, people! I cannot wait to see what it looks like in final full-color glory!