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Vengeance of the Hunter

And now, the official What Should I Name This Zombie? poll!

As y’all may recall from this prior post, O Internets, I received some Plants Vs. Zombies swag from my friend Kaye! Which included this little guy, who I promptly decided required a NAME.

I have received several amusing suggestions, and now the time has come for you to decide what, in fact, I should name this zombie!

Road Cones Protect My Head

Road Cones Protect My Head

Since the poll script won’t work on LJ and Dreamwidth, if you’re seeing the post there, please be sure to click the fold link to come on over and vote! Ditto if you’re clicking over from any of the social networks. I will only count votes on the actual poll. However, don’t let this stop you from campaigning for your choices in the comments! And if you think I should add an option, by all means, campaign for that, too! I will update the poll with any further appropriate choices presented to me.

I’ll be keeping track of who sent me what suggestion, and the winner of the poll will get their choice of an EPUB or PDF of Vengeance of the Hunter! I will be running this poll until Monday, March 24th, at which point I’ll announce the winner. Vote early! Vote often! Vote ZOMBIE!

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