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Bone Walker, Faerie Blood

Bone Walker giveaway goodness!

Now that I’ve got my mitts on the first full print run for Bone Walker, in addition to all the copies I’m sending out to my patient Kickstarter backers, I can ALSO do giveaways!

So I’ve set one up on Goodreads for two copies, which will be running through to the end of March. This is open to any Goodreads users in the US and Canada–sorry, overseas folks, postage for sending individual copies of books is just too steep for me to send freebies out to people who weren’t Kickstarter backers! If you’re a US or Canadian Goodreads user, though, here’s the giveaway widget! Clickie!

ETA: putting this behind a fold because the Javascript breaks on Livejournal. If you’re reading this on LJ or Dreamwidth, the direct link for the giveaway is here!

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Bone Walker, Faerie Blood

Monday news: print editions, Boosting the Signal posts, and a giveaway!

Now that I’m back from my latest trip to Canada (which went splendidly and the obligatory concert report is on the way), just wanted to get out a quick update on the status of print copies of Faerie Blood and Bone Walker.

I am down to a scant two copies of Faerie Blood, after selling quite a few at Conflikt, and I’ve just sold the latest one today to one of my Kickstarter backers in St. John’s. (HI EMMA!) One of the others is already spoken for for giveaway purposes (more on this in a minute), and that leaves me one that is not currently spoken for.

So if anybody wants that last copy of Faerie Blood, now would be a good time to jump over to the merch page for it on Bandcamp and order it! Because once it’s gone, that’ll be it for a bit until I get my next print run in. Alternately, go to the Buying From Me page for instructions on how to order it from me directly if you don’t want to go through Bandcamp.


And speaking of print editions: I have a big ol’ shiny new box of Bone Walker! This is the rest of the first print run, a good number of which will be heading out to Kickstarter backers over the next couple of weeks, as well as other folks who have paid me for a copy (HI OLO). One of these will also be reserved for giveaway purposes, and I’ll be handing out a couple via a Goodreads giveaway as well.

But that’ll leave me a whole bunch of other copies that will be available for purchase, even before my next convention–which’ll be Norwescon. So if you want a print copy of this book, you can order that from Bandcamp too, here. Or, again, go look at the Buying From Me page for other options.

BEHOLD THE SHINY! Who wants one? 😀

Box of Bone Walker!

Box of Bone Walker!


Now about that first giveaway I mentioned! Long-time friend and supporter of my work David has asked my and Dara’s permission to do a giveaway of both books and the soundtrack on his blog. That giveaway is in progress right over here, so if you’d like to throw your hat into the ring, click on over there and check out his post! Note that he will also be handing out digital copies of both books as a second prize.

All you have to do is drop him a comment telling him why you’d like to be the winner. Creativity and cleverness count!

He’ll be running this giveaway until March 8th, so you have a bit of time. I’ll be issuing periodic reminders until the giveaway is done! So clickie!


Stand by for further updates re: the Goodreads giveaway I’ll be setting up. AND! One more thing about that new box of books I’ve got–I’ve got a few extras that turned out to be misprints, with slightly screwed up covers. Third Place gave me those as extras since they can’t use them, so I can give them to interested parties as review copies.

So if you’re willing to commit to writing a review of the book on Amazon and/or Goodreads, talk to me and I can set you up with a copy!


I’ll have two, count ’em, two Boosting the Signal posts coming this week so stand by for those on Friday! One will be from fellow Carina author Caitlin Sinead, and another will be from an author that’s new to me, Sharon Black–but who caught my interest querying me about her romantic comedy set at a newspaper. Check back with me on Friday for those posts! And stand by for next week’s Boosting the Signal for another Carina author, T.D. Wilson, and his latest SF release!

More news tomorrow!

Bone Walker

Attention, everybody who backed the Bone Walker Kickstarter


I have an ETA on when the rest of the first Bone Walker print run is expected to be done, and when I can therefore pick books up. This ETA is this coming Monday, one week from today.

If you are a backer of my 2012 Kickstarter and you are owed a copy of Bone Walker, OR a postcard or poster of the cover art, please consider this your reminder to let me know ASAP if your contact data has changed! It is very, VERY important to let me know this so that I can send you the long-overdue stuff you are owed!

You can visit the project page and scroll down to your reward level. There, you should see a link you can use to update your address data on the survey I sent out before asking for that very thing. Update your physical address AND your email address if necessary; I know of at least one backer who’s changed email addresses since I originally ran the project. She’s already told me about her change, but if anybody else out there has new email addresses I need to know about, I need to hear from you about that as well.

Alternately, you may DM/PM me on the social networks, or email me at my annathepiper address on gmail to get me your data.

Speaking of the posters and postcards: they’re not ready yet but I hope to have them ready soon. Please stand by for updates on that too!

Any questions? Let me know!

Bone Walker


As of this morning Bone Walker has gone live on all the places where I’m selling it for digital readers–so now you can officially buy it on Amazon, B&N, iBooks, Smashwords, Kobo, and Google Play! And there are more links to buy, especially for international readers, on the book’s official page!

Most of my preorders were on the Kindle, and Amazon chugged through processing those last night, which did amusing things to my February numbers. Google Play’s preorder apparently still counts as a January sale. And I also had a preorder show up for iBooks that I hadn’t seen before, so yay! Many thanks to all who preordered!

If you feel inclined and want to help me out, please, please, please spread the word about the book being out now. Also consider leaving a rating or review–on the book’s Amazon page will have the most heft, but its Goodreads page is also now live, and reviews there will have some weight too.

And in honor of the release, I feel some character interviews coming on. Anybody want to wing a question at any member of the cast of the Free Court of Seattle? Leave your question and to whom you’d like it directed in the comments! There will be in-character answers!

ETA: If you’re on Twitter and are thusly inclined, here’s a tweet you can steal to use:

Bone Walker by @annathepiper now available! Come fling questions at any character in the Free Court of Seattle!

ALSO: Don’t forget, I’m running a giveaway over on Here Be Magic for a print edition of the book! The post is right over here!

Bone Walker

Bone Walker is ALMOST HERE

Conflikt proved to be quite delightful in general, but also in particular for selling copies of Faerie Blood and Bone Walker! I sold six of the one and three of the other, and the release concert went quite swimmingly as well. I made piccolo noises on a stage that contained ALL OF THE MEMBERS OF TRICKY PIXIE.

And I played all the notes I needed to play, in the correct order, and at the right times. WIN! I’m here to tell you, too: I am NOT used to performance adrenalin, and for a short while after that show was over, I was shaky!

Also WIN: two people I didn’t know coming up to me to ask me to sign books for them, which was pretty awesome. And mind-blowing, because at least one of those two people was (or so I was informed by well-meaning friends of said person) very shy about approaching me. I am not used to THAT, either!

But now that I’m home, I can return to the business of getting Bone Walker out to you all. Particularly my long-waiting Kickstarter backers, to whom I shall start mailing copies of the print edition this week.

Meanwhile, the ebook goes on official sale TOMORROW. I’m now up into two digits of preorders, so YAY and thanks to all who have preordered so far. I am also moving forward with deploying the book for sale up on, since they don’t do preorders. And since it’ll take a bit for them to actually process the book, I elected to put it up TODAY, so hopefully it’ll be done by tomorrow and Nook owners will be able to scarf the book along with everybody else.

(And don’t forget, if you want to preorder the book today, all the places you can do so are linked up on the book’s official page!)

Last but not least: yesterday was my turn to post on the Here Be Magic blog, and I did in fact post about Bone Walker, right over here! I talk some about the magical importance of music in the Warder universe, and I’m looking for comments on what songs are magical to you. I’ll be giving out a print edition of Bone Walker to a randomly selected commenter, so CLICKIE!

Bone Walker, Victory of the Hawk

Tuesday news: New way to order print copies of Faerie Blood and Bone Walker!


Now that the Bone Walker Soundtrack is an actual thing that you can actually buy, Dara has taken the liberty of doing a really awesome thing: she’s set up pages on the Crime and the Forces of Evil Bandcamp page to include both Faerie Blood AND Bone Walker‘s print editions as merch associated with the music. WHICH IT IS.

And what this means for you, O Internets, is that now there is a way to order print copies of these books without having to come directly to me. Even more importantly, it means that all methods of payment Bandcamp accepts are now ways that you can pay for the book–including credit cards as well as Paypal.

You can go straight to the Crime and the Forces of Evil Bandcamp page’s merch section and order the books from there. The page for Faerie Blood is here, and the page for Bone Walker is here!

The official pages for Faerie Blood and Bone Walker have both been updated with this information. Moving forward, this will be the recommended way to order print copies of either of these books, since it provides the most flexibility for how to pay.

* * *

I mention all of the above, by the way, because tonight I got Bone Walker‘s FIRST TEST PRINT, and we’re moving forward with the printing, and so soon I will have COPIES TO SELL YOU ALL. SO EXCITING!

* * *

On a related note, although I’m now able to take orders for the print books via Bandcamp, I will still accept direct requests to buy the books in either ebook or print form.

However, since people keep asking me how to go about paying me for stuff, I have spun off a standalone Buying From Me page on the site that explains what things I can sell directly, what their prices are, and what methods of payment I can personally accept.

Please consider this the canonical reference source for how to order things directly from me. I’ll be updating my FAQ to point to it too.

* * *

And while we’re on the topic of that soundtrack, I have taken the liberty of giving it its very own page here on my site. Because it’s shiny, I’m proud of it, and I wanted to make sure new visitors to my site can find out about it. 😀

* * *

Last and OH MY assuredly NOT THE LEAST:

I have an official cover for Victory of the Hawk! \0/ I’m really excited about this cover, since a) it’s gorgeous, b) it’s dynamic, and c) it is a well and thoroughly proper fantasy novel cover.

Ladies and gentlemen, mesdames et messieurs, I give you Kestar Vaarsen, Knight of the Hawk, and baron of Bremany!

Victory of the Hawk

Victory of the Hawk

This cover will be getting added to Victory’s official page, and it’ll be added to the lineup of thumbnails on the homepage too!

Bone Walker

Bone Walker news for Monday!

Those of you who backed my Kickstarter will have already received this news, but for everybody else:


I am now working with Third Place Press to get the first print run done and dealt with. If all goes well we will hopefully have at least some initial copies to sell at Conflikt this weekend. I’m doing a print run of 100 copies, 44 of which will be going to Kickstarter backers. Of the rest, most will be used for selling at conventions, as well as for contributors’ copies to give to everybody who performed on the soundtrack, or who will be performing at the release concert this weekend.

If you don’t fall into either the “backer” or “contributor” categories and you want a copy of the book, talk to me about getting one. As with Faerie Blood, I have no mechanism in place for placing orders for this book. So if you want one, your options are in order of my preference:

  1. Paypal me to my annathepiper address on gmail.
  2. Credit equivalent to the price of the book on any online store where I can get ebooks. In order of preference that’ll be Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iTunes (US or CA, I have accounts on both), and Amazon.
  3. If you’re local to me, I’ll take cash.
  4. If you’re NOT local to me and can’t Paypal me, you may mail me a check. I do NOT recommend you send cash.

I ask $15 USD as the base price of the book. If I can hand-deliver it to you (i.e., if you’re local to me, if I’ll be seeing you on my next trip to Canada, or if I’m likely to see you at a convention), I’ll waive shipping costs so it’ll be a straight up $15 USD.

If you are NOT local to me and I need to mail you the book, I also ask $3 USD for the cost of shipping within the States (where I can send a book by media mail rates), $6 for the cost of shipping to Canada, or $8 for the cost of shipping outside North America. (Sorry about that, non-North-Americans, but American postal rates are quite stupid right now. *^_^*;;)

If you want to reserve a copy out of the initial print run, then do please make arrangements to pay for a copy if you haven’t already. I will confirm your reserved copy when payment is received. Since my initial print run will have only about 45 copies available and some of those are hopefully going to get sold at Conflikt, I will have only a limited number to sell to folks. So priority will need to be given to people who can reserve a copy via payment.

If you can’t claim one of the initial print run copies, fear not, another print run is likely in the latter half of the year when I prep to go to Worldcon!


The ebook edition of Bone Walker is now up for preorder practically all over the place, including Amazon, Kobo, iTunes, Smashwords, and Google Play! Nook users, it’ll be going up on B&N a week from today, so stand by on that. All the places you can preorder the book are on its official page!

AND, the soundtrack is available in digital form here, where you can also preorder the print CD! We have those CDs in our hands RIGHT NOW, so get ’em while the getting’s good! As with the print run of the books, these are available only in limited quantities, so we’ll be giving priority to people who can reserve copies via payment. Follow the instructions on the Bandcamp page to preorder a CD, or contact me and Dara to set that up!

Any questions? Let me know!